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  • Heavy18
    Heavy18 replied to the thread A Buell Story.
    I know, I know ... AND its even my color. I do wonder what shipping would be to Utah (have to get quotes whenever I search, no one...
  • U
    upaero replied to the thread MULTIPLE XB12 ECM's for sale-NEW.
    Get a Buelltooth, a fuel pressure gauge and do diagnostics before replacing your ECM unnecessarily. Also, you can load any tune file...
  • BuellyBagger
    I rode to carhenge last year pretty neat! Didn't make it to chimney rock there was a huge storm coming in from the west so we headed...
  • A
    Any help would be much appreciated. David
  • 2
    2TrackSam posted the thread Uly Onwer in Member Introductions.
    Greetings, I’ve owned my 2009 Ulysses purchasing a week before the shut-down. It’s been a great bike, one of three I have (100th FLHRI...
  • Barrett
    Barrett replied to the thread Winter maintenance.
    My pleasure Dave. If you do end up pulling the pump for inspection...check for a crack in the plastic housing that holds the pressure...
  • Barrett
    Barrett replied to the thread Xb12s rectifier new.
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What Dave said above and his link excellent info if fabricating a simple bracket within your capabilities...
  • 34nineteen
    You both are troublemakers. and 34;19 is not cool... but I do loves me a space museum.
  • 34nineteen
    34nineteen replied to the thread New XB12S owner.
    Somoene posted links to parts catalogs on Harleys site. Also, be sure to visit for a copy of the service manual. What...
  • 34nineteen
    34nineteen replied to the thread Buell XB12S Brakes.
    For street riding, the ZTL is just fine. If you're going to ride it hard, track or race it... then the ZTL2 would be the better way to...
  • 34nineteen
    34nineteen replied to the thread A Buell Story.
    My first one was a 2004 XB12S. It was a huge change from my SV650. For some reason I keep coming back. Lets see if I can remember all...
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  • Heavy18
    Heavy18 replied to the thread A Buell Story.
    Thank you for the share! I sold my first Buell last October, and while I regret it, I learned that the Uly wasn't the Buell I wanted...
  • Heavy18
    Heavy18 reacted to lancruza's post in the thread A Buell Story with Like Like.
    Just sitting here reflecting a little tonight. I've had MANY different bikes over the years. I still do. Two Hondas, a Kawi, a Yami, a...
  • M
    mnatschke302 replied to the thread New member.
    Much appreciated
  • M
    mnatschke302 reacted to Heavy18's post in the thread New member with Like Like.
    My son and I "lifted" a Blast last year - not all of this is relevant but for the archives: Adding a 1" spacer to the springs added...