Dirt Duh

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Active member
Dec 30, 2007
So Saturday my baby xb12 and I temporarily forgot that we were in fact STREET riders and tried to ride through soft red clay (long story). The resulting high-side either partially or completely tore the ulnar ligament in my left thumb, I find out tomorrow. Other than that, we're fine. I rode him home afterwards...painful but we made the 2+ hour ride.

Damn I miss riding already. So I was thinking that I can switch my brake to the bad hand since I don't use it (I prefer engine braking or using my back brake...dunno why) and the clutch to my right...mwahahahahahahahaha. Any thoughts? My boss suggested a bite-clutch but I nixed that because I'm certain that brake fluid tastes yucky. What do you kids think? Should I regear him so I can run around in first? Eh? *brow waggle* :D


He's okay...just needs a bath...
It looks like the frame puck held up pretty well. Sorry about the accident, but just think- It always could of been worse.
2bad about the accident, hope you will recover soon!

but ahm...you don't use your front brake??? [confused]
that is just the brake you need to use the most

hard stops with rear brakes end up on the ground! you have alot more stopping power & stability with the front brake.

as for riding, you have a system with both handles at one side.


or you can chose the 'easy-shift' option which is shifting with buttons on your handlebars

Sorry about your spill, and glad your ok [up]
Doesn't look like anything was damaged that cant be fixed. A bike can be repaired alot faster than a body :p
Heh, thanks guys. Yeah, I don't really like my front brake during normal stops but I do use it if I have to no problem. I still haven't cleaned the bike up so I'm not sure how scratched he is. It's all good though...

Thanks for the alternative means for shifting, I'll look into it more after I find out how they're gonna fix me and if I'll have the strength I'd need in that hand to ride. I mean come on...I'm crazy but I'm not stupid. *grins* Besides, if I ride with a cast I'll just be tempted to zoom up to them inticin' moun'ins...and tha'd be reeeeeeeal baaad. Hahahaha. Don't worry folks, I won't do it.