New Scorpion EXO-500

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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2010
Got my EXO 500 in black oil graphics today. It’s my 3rd helmet, so I have limited experience, but this has to be the best helmet in its price range on the market! Pump up cheek pads, Flip down sun visor, Fog free Visor, great venting, aerodynamic, cool looking, light weight, what more can you ask for $219.95?

I saw that one was coming out! I've liked the scorpion exo1000 for a while now buy my head is right between sizes for those helmets. Not sure what the difference is between the 500 and the 1000, they've both got the same exact features with about $150 difference in price. Either way I ended up grabbing one of these instead...

but he scorpion still looks like a good deal.
The 1000 was more of a touring helmet than this is. They have a different shape and different vents as well. They dont make the 1000 any more.... thats why they are on clearance.... I have the Buell HJC helmet, i hate it. The pads all broke in too far, its not aerodynamic, its loud, you cant find a replacement facesheild... Much happier with the scorpion. (even though its only been a day)
I bought the EXO-1000 for all the features also. I believe the only difference is that the 500 is not Snell rated? Can you confirm? I needed the snell rating for at the dragstrip. Otherwise I don't think there is much of a difference between the 2 models. The 1000 is heavier than any other helmet I have owned but I don't mind it. It is actually nice when you get behind a semi, the weight helps to stabalize my head from getting beaten around. Beware of their quickchang visors...not as quick and easy as I would have thought.
just got the exo-500 and love it,really didnt like the 1000 all the rest of theyre line is great imo
Beware of their quickchang visors...not as quick and easy as I would have thought.

I briefly tried to play with one in the store, I thought I would just be able to untwist it by hand easily, but that wasn't the case. Not to say it's hard to remove, it's just not as simple as it looks. I'm sure it's easier if you know what you're supposed to be doing. Easy to change visor is a huge plus on my list though. My normal helmet for the past few years has been an arai, and I absolutely hate the visor removal/installation process. My dark tinted visor broke late last fall and I just gave up on it all together.
Beware of their quickchang visors

Thats the worst thing about scorpion.. Ive had to use PLIERS to get mine to spin enough to release before. Why cant they just put some easy button releases on it?
My arai is no joke either but is still easier (though slower) then my scorpion.

Bell helmets have the best ive see so far.
randeracer - The exo 500 is not snell rated... I think that made a big differance in the price... my old helmet is and thats the only reason i am keeping it...