Offcial Spring Slimey Crud Run 2011

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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2010
Ok so I wanted to make another topic for official meet up plans for members on here and their respective friends.

We all will be meeting at star bucks on Gammon road across from West town Mall in Madison around 930 am Sunday.

I am leaving from Oconomowoc and I have a few guys who are gonna ride out with me and we are going to probably meet at starbucks in Oconomowoc around 8:30ish...if anyoone else from around my area wants to meet up before I head out to Madison let me know.

I will be meeting up with a few other riders in Oregon, Wis.and riding to a Starbucks near there to meet up with a few more before heading to Pine Bluff.I dont know the area at all but will be in Oregon at 8:30 am
Well SH#t im still on old thread.LOL! Few guys from Wausau will be at Star Bucks around 10:00.Far as i can tell its all coming together,Just need nice weather.It really sucks living in the Mid-West sometimes hoping mother nature will be nice.
So madison starbucks around 10 now?? sounds good to me...i'll tell the milwaukee group to meet me in oconomowoc around 9 then
I'd love to meet with you guys but I have to be up in Antigo for a family thing. hit me up next ride.
Great Time!!!Made some new friends scared some cows cant wait to do it again![up]
the more i look at that pic i really need to stop being so cheap and get those ant eater mirrors off the speedy, they throw off the look of the bike
Those boys from Wis. sure can ride.Had a great time it made me feel 30yrs younger![up][up] and love the awesome roads.
Madison Gammon Place
434 Gammon Place
Madison, WI 537191090
608-829-3646---- Across from West Town Mall----
OK I'm thinking around 9am at star bucks let me know what you guys are thinking .I believe I have 2 guys going with me.
I along with twp and 2 other guys will be at Starbucks around 9 Sunday morning, who else is going?
I have two or three riding . Nick just give me a call when you guys leave your place.Weather going to be good!