Passenger Seat won't unlatch

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Firebolt Pal

Active member
Apr 13, 2011
Ok, so new to the forum and finally received my bike last Friday and have only been able to take it around the block. Partially because it has been down pouring and secondly because I dont have a plate yet. Well got my 30 day tags today and went to install it and the bike has the bracket installed underneath with two light up screws. To get them I need to take off the rear fairing of my xb12r and you would think undoing all the screws would be the hard part.

Long story short my passenger seat wont pop up after I turn the key. I just spent about 2 hours trying to get it loose, but it wont budge. My friend is the one that sold it to me and he has never had a problem.

Anyone else know how to get it undone? If not by the key?
It doesn't really pop up. Turn the key, grab the front of the seat and slide it back, then pull up.
does the seat click at all, when you turn the key, ?? are you turning it all the way.? if it's not clicking then the locking mechanism/latch is more than likely not disengaging
do you know what your friend left under the seat that might be catching on or stuck on keeping it from moving.
if your friend has EVER COMPLETELY taken off the rear tail for any reason, he had to take apart the lock for the seat release mechanism.. the "catch" on that cable, has to fasten on the 10 o clock side of the clock(this is an expressionary image, there is no clock) if he attached the seat release cable at any other location, i.e. 12 o clock or 2 oclock on the star of the lock, the spring will not engage and the key will not even budge, your basically screwed, thats why you check to make sure the lock works before you put the passenger seat back on.. if the passenger seat is back on already, youll have to take out the side screws that fasten the seat, and the seat, and use a stubby screw driver and your fingers or needle nose to pull the lock( the corregated metal tab that locks the lock into the ferring) and unscrew it and reposition it to the 10 o clock position, and retighten it... i know this because i made the same mistake. hope this fixes your problem, if your buddy thinks he brokeit... he wont tell you, so assume he didnt break it, he just put it back on wrong.. or it could have broke, lets hope im right for your sake and your friend is lying? good luck.
Can't the lock be accessed by removing the tail light? I remember reading onhear that you could pull on the cable inveighs light is pulled out.
nativeXb12Rbuell...I hear some noise under the seat but doesnt really sound like a click. Believe me I have turned that key about hundred times all the way. I have the main seat of and can look down and see the latch attached to the cable moving but it doesn't move far and cant really tell if it is moving the wire release itself.
jasoncummings64...He took it off right in front of me when we were making the deal. Came of without even trying! I think I understand what you are trying to tell me but not sure really how to get between the fairing and and the black bottom plastic...I was trying last night through the tiny gap between where the tail light and fairing come together but couldnt get it far enough apart to do anything.

Yeah he is one of my best friends, he would have told me if it was broken. Especially since he took it off right in front of me the first time. Not sure if something could have shift during transfer (Louisville, KY to Dayon, OH)
freak2180...I will have to see when I get off work if I can remove the tail light and get to the lock...otherwise I think I am screwed...looks like duct tape to keep my license plate on!!! :D
show us a pic of your license plate setup.
when you turn the key try moving around and pushing and pulling on the seat with the key turned all the way .
Pull the tail light out and pop it open. I bought a bike from a guy who was gonna build a chopper with the bike so he never tried to pull the rear seat. Go figure, lock had been changed when i tried to open it. So I pulled the tail light and got access to the lock.
Jasoncummings64...........we/he knows where the key goes and has tried it. The lock its self in the tail of the bike is not being actuated by the cable properly. On a firebolt when the taillight is removed the owner can get to the lock mech and try to open it that way.

I have tried to get to the lock cly myself and its almost impossable with the tail fairing still on the bike. If you cant remove the rear seat/pillion cover you cant shift the rear fairing enough to get to the lock cly assembly.
I have a firebolt, I realize what you are saying.. I'm just telling you, I had thesame problem, and for me.. The "fix" was removing the fairing side bolts, spreading it out like a womans legs.. And moving the cable bead position farther counter clockwise one more position, before that, the key wouldn't even budge.. Where do you live? If you positive that your problem is NOT what I'm suggesting I will just stop replying..however if you think it MIGHT be.. I will take some pix for you as a tutorial when I get home.. L.m.k
I was finally able to get it unlatched, took the tail light out and the lock mechanism is right there. Just reached in with my finger and manually released it. problem from what I could tell is the braided wire inside the black locking cable is not tight enough. When the key is turned it just barely touches the latch. I need to get the nut?? or whatever the metal piece is closer to the latch. I have almost thought of just add a fishing line weight to the space in between to take up the slack.
Also does anyone know where I can get spare bolts for the bike...the silver fairing ones and also the black ones underneath the seat that go into the tailight and such. I went to Home Depot and bought some 1/4-20 bolts which work but would much rather have actual Buell ones if I can.
Some panhead stainless allen key bolts should be fine.

I am trying to rid mysely of the torque's style bolts because they tend to strip out easier and are more difficult to find. I find most of my bolts at LOWES and HomeDepot.
I got allen ones from home depot for the chin fairing... And, AGAIN, if the opposit end of the cable, the one that attaches to the key mechanism is in the wrong place.. I.e. Not @ 10 o clock.. There WILL be TOO MUCH SLACK..(not tight enough) that's why there are multiple mounting locations.. I just bought a second bike I've been workin on so I haven't taken pics yet, I will
I can not to latch the seat on 2009 Buell XB 12 Scg. I spent more than 2 hours truing to latch the seat. I'm not sure what happened because before this moment there was no issues with seat latching.