kill switch?

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2009
ok got a new race ecm took it to dealership and had a tps reset done on it. took the bike out for a ride saturday after i got it back from the dealership ran fine. i go this morning to go to work and the bike is doing the same thing again engine cuts out and dies. if i try to start the bike right away the cel light doesn't come on but the bike will crank but wont start but i notice if i tap the housing for the run switch the cel light will come on and i can start the bike but it die after awhile. would the switch cause codes. i don't have any way to check for codes myself except for jumping the pins on the diagnostic plug and i have done that and there are no codes. i pulled apart the housing and cleaned all the connections and the problem is happening.
The Kill switches on these bikes is cheap,Have to be a gentler nowadays on this plastic world of ours.The complete assembly cost about 34-to-40 bucks and once you install that you can take the old one and Maybe repair it,for a spare.Because you will need it. This way you won't be wondering if it's gonna mess up tomorrow or so on.Small money for piece of mind. Is the Switch Feeling pretty solid back and forth? The wd/40 trick I've heard does work but if your tapping it and it works and just idles then dies imagine bumping it around riding. Not to mention if your way out somewhere.And it finally goes.Just an observation from many bikes here in the shop over the years.Hopefully the W/D trick will get you going till you can afford the new part.Good luck*Jimi
thanks for the input guys it turned out to be the ignition relay that went bad. but i will most definitely clean the switch though, my bike is used as a daily commuter so it probably pretty dirty inside.