Slight intermittent hesitation at steady speeds.

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Sep 2, 2011
The bike seems to hesitate or go in and out slightly. It idles fine. When I accelerate, it will get to a point of speed then "level off", and not give me anymore power until I really come on to it. When it does that, it also changes in sound. Sounds like a thick baseball card stuck in spokes. Been serviced and I just pulled plugs last night. They were fine. (NGK Iridium). Any thoughts? I was told that i'm running it on too high RPM's and i've reached the point where the rev limiter says stop. I only run at about 4500rpm
welcome to the forum.
4500 rpm is not to high i cruise around between 45 and 5k.what year bike and what mods
Thanks, that was a great video! That was the guy, that i learned how to change my plugs! He makes great videos. Where do I get the ecmspy to plug into my computer? Speaking of computer, my battery is getting quite low. I will check out your answer tomorrow. Thanks so much for your input.:)
when you say it sounds like a thick baseball card it stuck in your spokes, is it making a ticking noise or something.Also if running hot do you have a right side scoop yet,cools the rear cylinder down alot.
Same bike, more miles.

Air cooled engine, it's an old design, gets cooler when you go faster. Nothing else.

Sounds like a rev top out but you've got about 3000 more to go.

What gear and speed are you talking about?

Happens in 2nd but not in 5th?
Baseball card/spoke sound is like a deep, loud BUZZ sound. Kinda like what harleys are suppose to sound like but with a little higher pitch to it.

It does get cooler the faster i go, i will have to agree.

At around 4500rpms, I am going roughly 55 or 60mph?? Does that sound right? Sounds the same in all gears. Like it is almost lacking a tiny bit of compression.
Baseball card/spoke sound is like a deep, loud BUZZ sound. Kinda like what harleys are suppose to sound like but with a little higher pitch to it.

check all your exhaust connections you might have a leak.check where the header bolts to the head make sure the nuts are tight 96 inch lbs.and where the pipe and muffler meet.
If you're talking about a cicada sort of sound, I just starting noticing that on mine. Sort of looking for it but wondering if I just noticed it.

Revs/mph sound right. Your answer makes it more an engine "thing" than a speed "thing".

Also shows you know how to ride the bike. A lot of noob noise questions are really about unfamiliarity with the bike.

Is this how the bikes hesitiation works? You zip up to speed and it seems to stop at about 65 - 70 mph. You twist the throttle more and off it goes, almost like there is two stages?

Mine did that. I had to do a gasket replacement and in the process found a worn spot on the spark plug wire, throttle body not tight, and dirty air filter. So, after a K&N filter, new wire and throttle body torqued, the bike rocks. Went out on the highway, got into traffic, got clear and checked the speedo - I was about 40 mph over. That's an automatic loss of license, bike impound and many $1000s in fines. But, throttle is one stage now.
check ur battery connections too, if loose they can vibrate around a lot a high speeds and lose the connection the ecm needs
I'm frustrated because I think that lamarchangel is right about the newbie thing with this bike. I just got the bike about a week ago and I was riding my Honda 919 before. The Buell is a whole different animal and i think that I need to learn to listen to it and ride it the right way. I completely understand that it is not going to sound or behave like a "regular sport bike". Maybe I just need some more time with it. I will definately keep everything in mind that has been suggested to me. I appreciate it.:) Oh yeah, my user name.....I really am a girl. Don't think any different of me. :p
general cruising around, my bike is happiest at 3.5 to 4 k revs, it keeps you right at the torque/power curve if needed, and is about the best gas efficiency also
Also, the higher up in the fuel maps, the steps between cells seem to be larger, so it seems that it may be searching back and forth betwwen map cells, just a guess, you have an "Untuned" stock ECM?
What about what anrkizm95 mentioned about the tps. It sounds like a more subtle approach to calibrate the revs/throttle response. Almost feels like things aren't matching up right. I found that today when I took the bike out, it felt better in, say, around 4th going about 60/65mph. Sound right?
I'd like to blame everything on bad gas, but i've run 3.5 tanks through it since i've had it. Two mid-grade and 1.5 Super.
4th gear at ~65 is about 3500 rpm, yeh a TPS reset is always a good way to eliminate some gremlins, and doesn't hurt any thing, but you will have to go to the dealer, or ECM Spy it to reset it yourself.