Welcome to the Forum. it may be just an in Gear at certain RPMs deal coming from a different Sport Bike especially Honda My Opinion. I have an 04- RVT 1000 RC 51 and Every bike has its niche. I climb on my 08-XB12R and I catch myself damn its' a 5 speed Jimi reset yourself, I'm ok after a couple mins later. Sounds are different noises all of it. I'm sure you will get used to the V-Twin in about 1,500miles or so. You are correct this bike is a different Style Sport Bike/ Street Fighter good handling and good torque.For normal Well (Almost)Riding 1st to second gear 25miles an hour.most go up to 30. 2nd to 3rd gear up to 40-45mph. Unless your getting up on an expressway ramp. Some like to hammer it, but till you get familar with your New to you Machine take your time and this way you learn the small items such as Noises and the way you like to shift. It's not a good idea to speed shift the Sporster transmission try to keep it smooth for a bit on your XB9 it's a 2003 and a good ride. Try to practice smooth shifting for a while cause a Foreign Bike is way different compared to Buell.*Jimi [smirk]