Another one bites the dust...

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Well-known member
Apr 22, 2010
Was in a wreck yesterday on my bobber. As wrecks go guess I was lucky. No broken bones just a chipped front tooth 13 stitches in my cheek a few scratches and soar neck and a burnt ego.

Can't help but think what the outcome would have been if I were on the Buell. Better brakes but also a higher sitting position.

Police officer says I prob saved my life by laying the bike on it's side. I can't recall any part of the wreck.
Also was told it was not my fault at all. Was in the left lane with a car on my right turning at an intersection, as the car was turning right off the main road another was turning onto it to go left and I t boned him
Everyone wants me to get rid of the bikes. I can't imagine my life with out them and know this isn't an everyday occurrence but i was lucky and may not be so lucky next time.

Have not seen the bike yet.

Thanks guys! Going to look at the bike now and hell yes I was wearing a helmet. Not sure where it is though.

Maronz- why would u guess i didnt have a helmet? If i didn't have a helmet I think I would be a little worse off than a chipped tooth and a few sticthes[down][down]
i don't know..
My guess is it was a half helmet
im thinking a lose cheep hjc helmet.. i had seen a guy get the same cut from the visor. when he crashed the visor was up and came in the helmet when he went down. that also might explain the tooth too. i bet it is stuck in lip of the helmet. im surprised you didn't end up with a broken collar bone too.
Glad you're still with us. Sorry about the bike. Hopefully cager's insurance going to pay for the damage.
Sick looking bobber man! Glad to hear you are ok...Would love to see pictures of helmet, bike, ect when you get the chance.

Once again, glad you are doing well!
Thanks for the positive comments guys!!

You few with the type of helmet or no helmet are hilarious. Bet you are the type of guys that never miss a chance to say "I told you so"

It was a sweet bobber. Tell you the truth I kinda hope it's totaled though.
Type of helmet

The two sexy beasts together
your dam right...that helmet is almost as bad as a yamika. didn't you learn anything from dale earnhardt
"I told you so"
and it's probably to early for this but..
It was a sweet bobber. Tell you the truth I kinda hope it's totaled though.
so you can buy a american one..
hopefully you get it it's all in fun.
glad your still among the living.
When I saw this thread, I got worried. Then when I read inside I was a little relieved. It sucks that you went down, and it's good that you made it out ok for the most part, and I'm glad you weren't on your SsR. You know how much I love that buell of yours.
Im not one for bobbers but that one is SWEET! Sorry to hear about the crash, hope you get your teeth fixed soon! That pains me to see.
Glad you made it out safe! My comment wasn't to say I told you so but I didn't think that your injuries were the result of wearing a full face helmet.

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