One header tube different color than the other. why??

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Oct 3, 2008
whats up people? im new to the group. nice to be amongst the like-minded. my 04 xb12r has ~9.5k miles and i took this picture the other day and noticed how the 2 header tubes are colored differently. a friend told me it was the result of a lean running engine. id really appreciate any insight.
I've read on several posts on here that pipes will turn blue because of a rich condition. Though I'm no expert, I'm just relaying what I've read.

Without an actual Air/Fuel check, I would think the closest thing to actually tell whether you're bike was running lean or not would be to inspect the spark plugs. The pipe colors I wouldn't worry about, they look normal. I've never seen a Buell that had been rode awhile without the "blue pipe" look. :)
Agreed. All the buell pipes I have seen look similar to that, I wouldnt worry too much about it. Is that D&D exhaust? I am looking to pick one up over the winter, how do you like yours??
Its blue cuzz its running lean, and It always blue close to the top. All bikes come from the factory running lean cuzz where we live and how we ride isnt factory conditions. If you havnt had a remap, or a race chip done/installed you will run leaner with the aftermarket exhaust, also if you have an K&N Air filter or any high flow air filter that will add to the prob. Are you the original owner? Know if the ecm has been remapped, or race emc?

Those are my heads off my 08 xb12R
I'm surprised that none of the big dogs ain't chimed in on this one...
It is b/c the bike's running lean.
That is how they come from the factory.
You can adjust it with a remap and it will help.

Try a little Mother's Aluminum Polish.
Once a week over a period of a couple months,
that should banished.
And yer pipes will be all shiny too...

Robtk! a.k.a. "Special K"

"The war is coming to the streets of America and if you are not keeping and bearing and practicing with your Buell then you will be helpless and you will be the victim of evil."

--Da Nuge Bueller

Yep, thats a d&d. i replaced the stock "boat anchor" with that about 8 months ago. i must say, i love the sound. i highly recommend picking one up. i paid about $600 for mine.
Sounds great, but if you haven't updated you ecm map, then you're running EXTRA lean. Bet she's poppin' and farting too...

Robtk! a.k.a. "Special K"

Thanks for all the great advice. i appreciate it! a couple of you asked about the ecm (which i muct admit, am cluless as to what it is) having been remapped. as the 2nd owner, i dont know. the only mods that ive done are the d&d exhaust and a k&n air filter. when i bought it, it was bone stock. what's an ecm and how is it re-mapped?
honestly, i havent noticed much popping at all! nevertheless, i do want to do something about it running lean. how does one go about remapping the ecm?
Ya definitely get a remap. Some bluing is completely normal though. kha12, i think I am going to D&D. Everyone says its loud but I want it loud, i Just dont know how loud it truly is. Ive never heard it in person. How do you like the power curve with that pipe?
ECM= Electronice Control Modual. It controls your fuel injection and is the first thing u should do after putting a new exhaust and air filter in. I would do it as soon as possible as u are hurting your bike. Dyno time is gunna run you prolly about $300 but will save alot more in the long run. your ecm is located under your seat and black plastic bundle. Search "Buell ECM" and your get a couple pics. Good luck bro!
D&D's are just a bit louder than Jardines.
A lotta guys I know have taken to wearing earplugs when runnin' a D&D, Jardine, and/or Drummer.

Remapping is simple. If you know what your doing or ifin' a friend does. Some bike shops will help you out too. ECM Spy is the place to go. You'll need a computer and a cable. I think ASB is selling them now but most make there own. You just download a map right off ECM Spy.

Of course it helps if you have the software to pull up your map and tweak it a bit. And dynoing it will optimize performance. But most I know just drop the race ecm map and go.

There are no shortage of threads on this site and BadWeb about ecm maps...

Good luck...

Robtk! a.k.a. "Special K"

"When I rode Buells, I didn't ride for fun. . .
It's no pink tea, and mollycoddles had better stay out.
It's a contest and everything that implies,
a struggle for supremacy, a survival of the fittest."

--Ty "Buellistic" Cobb
power curve def improved, not drastically but def. improved. as far as the volume, i wouldn't have it any other way. i live in hilton head, sc and all of the blue hairs, snowbirds and tourists definitely NEED its attention-grabbing aspects.
When I first put on the Jardine,
I noticed some horsepower gain right off.
But all my low end went M.I.A.

Even after opening the airbox and remapping,
I still have flat spots under 3500.
Did a little fine tuning and got some of it back,
much better, but needs a dyno day.

That's bucks I ain't got.
Happy with what i got for now.
She's runnin' smooth again.
And that Jardine sounds SWEET!!!

Do the kids still say "sweet"??

Robtk! a.k.a. "Special K"

"You can dream, create, design, and build the most wonderful idea in the world, but it requires make the dream wheelie!"

--Walt Helldisney
xbear your one of the first guys that i seen a honest answer with losing tq when changing pipe and air filter,,,the buells are no different from harley motors or after market big twins.....that what sucks about efi..... very costly to tune and timing is rearly addressed or changed...from what i understand if you leave the stock air filter in a exhaust change should not need a remap.....talking a street pipe for a little noise
maybebuell, i completely agree. I would love to just add the D&D if this is possible. I am happy with my buell, i just want it to sound a little better. Being a college student, its hard to fork over the few hundred bucks it costs for dyno tuning. Has anyone had any experience with just adding new exhaust?
xbear9s, did you use ECM spy to change your map?

Sir. Yes sir...

from what i understand if you leave the stock air filter in a exhaust change should not need a remap

Negative. Putting a free flowing exhaust on you bike is gonna run her leaner that even stock. You'll get popping out the back and you'll see a change in performance right off the bat.

You can run it that way for quite a while but to avoid long-term damage, it's best to do something about it. Leave the box closed till you're ready to do it right. Opening the box only makes it run leaner...

There's my 2 cents.

Ya owe me a penny...

Robtk! a.k.a. "Special K"

"Most motorcycle problems are caused by the nut that connects the handlebars to the saddle."

--Anonymous SageBuelly
XBear9S said:
Sounds great, but if you haven't updated you ecm map, then you're running EXTRA lean. Bet she's poppin' and farting too...

Robtk! a.k.a. "Special K"
My headers aren't colored.
Remus exhaust (without the dB-killers) on a 2008 XB and a stock ECM. ;)


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