buells cold blooded?

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2012
So yesterday my bike was fine go to start it.to go to work and it clicked then fired up...... it was 30* out..... drove 20 minutes to work shut it off to punch in and came back out to park it and click click click fire......

Go out at break time to show off my new buell to all my ricer buddies and click click click nothing, it wouldn't fire so right away I'm being flamed for buying a buell. By this time 10am its 40* out.

I pull it in the shop or push it in lol and at lunch I charged for 20 minutes and its been inside for 2 hrs at 65*+ and it fired right up..... what's the deal?

Is battery bad? Am I gonna have to clean all connections and start from there? Or replace the battery which Harley and auto parts stores wants $115 bucks for.....

Or is it a Harley cold blooded thing........ I'm baffled!

Thanks for the help!!!!
Check connections and check electrical system. Could be a bad connection, could be a bad battery, could be a lot of other things too...
They take a lot of juice to crank as it is. Temp wise heat hinders battery performance more than cold. Id start with checking my connections at the battery as well as all my grounds.

This is the main engine to frame ground its under the air box lower cover, ensure that is secure and the mount that connects to the rear head hasnt broken (specifically broken your rear head) this is least likely your issue but it happens. Thats why i have cuts into my dog bone to creat a sheer point and save my rear head.

Most likely its due for a new battery, pay top dollar for a good one or youll regret it.
I got a battery at advanced auto or auto zone(can't remember) the day I went to buy my bike(it died when the guy was trying to start it when I went to look at it). It was just over $100 and it was a "gel" battery. Has held up great for 2 years, even sitting for a few months each winter. I do often keep it on a tender though.
I'd bet it's the battery mine does the same thing when it's cold. Most people I talked to recommended the stock Harley battery. I'm just to cheap to buy one yet so I've been keeping it on a tender whenever I can while it's cold out.
I ride all year round, and this includes the temps that you were talking about. My bike also has had to deal with apt life and sits outside. On the really cold mornings the engine starts to turn over initially, pauses for about a second and then fires. Occasionally, I'll get the "click" and fire.
When the temp is warmer outside it generally fires a little bit easier and quicker.

I'd follow what's already been listed above as far as checking connections, etc., but no need to panic. Definitely not yet.
Like the others said check the connections and grounds, plus you started it to move it which drained the battery and you didn't let it run to charge it back up so when you went back out click click click. My old battery did that almost every time I'd try to start it, warm or cold out, so I finally got a fresh battery and it has been great since, so the battery might be on its way out. Still totally sucks when you go to start it for your boys who probably already think Buells are crap and then the battery is dead (not the Buells fault!). Don't worry though, when you guys pull up somewhere on your bikes see how many people gather round at theirs vs. yours. ballin'
Yeah I'm just gonna grab a battery and put in it probably is a couple years old anyway.... thanks for all the help....

Actually they didn't razz me to bad the one guy has an r6..... and he is the one that talked me into getting a buell and not a sportster.....
. Don't worry though, when you guys pull up somewhere on your bikes see how many people gather round at theirs vs. yours. ballin'
He has a very valid point here, every time I pull up on my buell with all my friends Jap bikes no one ever looks at theirs it is always a crowd around mine.
check battery voltage and connections, check the cable attached to the starter, it's just forward of the rear isolator mount on the right side for tightness and white connector also, check the grounds on both sides of the sub frame (seat rails)
Well I have come to the conclusion so far that both battery cables were loose and hopefully that is causing the issue.... it seems to be fine now and actually starts better and fuel pump even sounds better. So I'm crossing my fingers cause the batter is brand new it was dated for last summer..... so we'll see! Thanks everyone!!!!!
Wow --- you and I --- just posted myself have a similar problem... I bought bike 2 days ago road it home (washed it - which is the part that makes me wonder if my problem may be due to being washed and something got wet that shouldn't have)... Any way. I am right there with you ... but we both have to think big picture... With great pleasure some time comes great pain :p Good luck!

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