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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2011
I have an 03 xb9r. I washed it and now it has a short. The low beam headlight and fuel pump wont run. I checked the fuses and relays and they are all fine. Is this common short, or does anyone have an idea. Also where can i find a wiring diagram for this?
Thanks for all the help in advance
......... I'm willing to go out in a limb and say this us NOT a common problem..... I wash mine about once every other week and it runs like a champ now that I've brought it back to life.....

And I would check the kill switch assembly and kick stand sensor... Also (don't take this the wrong way) are you in neutral with it not doing anything?...
Ya im in neutral i tried putting the kickstand up to bypass the circuit. Ive tried pretty much every basic thing. I figure is just a short somewhere in the wiring harness, but i dont have a schematic, nor do i no what wires to trace to try and find the short.
Putting the kickstand up doesn't bypass that switch ... But if it's in neutral and the neutral light is on that should eliminate that ...

I would still scope out the inside of my handlebar switch housings (had a problem with those on my 919 I used to have) ...

Also ... if you need a wiring diagram to help trace your wiring and see what goes to what ... Here is a page with the service manual for your bike ...
ok so i checked the inside of my handle bars, they're both fine. I am assuming the next step is to start on the harness?, but where do i start?
It's hard to do a web diagnoses........but from what your experiencing, it does not sound like a fuse thing.
It sounds more like a ignition switch problem. When you turn on your key does anything work?
like dash gauge swipe, stater, blinkers, tail light, high beam ect......
If not you have a key ignition problem.
If other things do turn on......
check in the fuse box on the right side and on the cover you will see a fuse placement diagram. Pull the ignition fuse and the headlight fuse and jump it with a test light to make sure you have power and good fuses.
There are a bunch of other things you could check, but right now i think I would send you on a fools run.

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