pushing bike in gear

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Roger that Theycallmecrash...first place to check.
How much space is up on the handle? Look good?...pull the cover off, engage at the leaver and see waz up....
problem is I actually just installed the magura hydraulic clutch and can't tell if my problem has to do with that or something else. Something else being that a week ago my clutch cable snapped and I had to ride home with no cable in traffic, so I had to do some wheelie start because I was stuck going uphill a few times. I am really wondering if that could have worn the clutch plates that much ( I don't believe that would happen because clutch plates are wear items and wear over time and with heat.) I've been playing with adjusting the ramp assembly inside the inspection cover and cant seem to get it right. Either my clutch drags or slips. Also, the bike feels really weird like the power isnt there almost like the clutch is slipping and not fully engaged. This is especially visible in 5th gear going 80 mph I cut the throttle wide open and rpms go up almost to 7k and I don't increase speed.
if your RPMs rise that high when your riding with out gaining speed then the clutch is definitely slipping. i would almost bet you fried the clutch on it.
There is not happy middle between slip and engaging. When clutch is adjusted at the ramp, in first gear with the clutch lever pulled in, it will drag pretty hard. This is normal.
theycallmecrash.. why is drag normal? My bike never use to do that when I had my cable set up. I think now with the hydraulic setup my only adjustment is at the ramp inside the case.
Im not familiar with the hydraulic clutch, but sure there isnt any adjustment at the rod?

There are a lot of threads about buells not wanting to roll in gear with clutch pulled in. That appears to be the normal. My XB is that way, the girls blast is that way, and 3 other XBs i know of are that way. Maybe youve had it improperly adjusted this whole time?.

At the ramp should move the screw in until id just touchs and back off, put that lock and spring on, if doesnt line up, unscrew until it does line up should only be another 1/16"-1-8" to achieve that.
Theycallmecrash is right, the bike should be diffucult to push in gear with the clutch pulled in. Mine is damn near impossible to move whilst in gear. Id be interested to see what the problem is [confused]
Small Things First,If all else fails Start at the beginning. Adjust the Cable at the adjuster at the front of the exhaust on an XB. leave the clutch lever 1/16 of an inch GAP when fully released at the lever. .Then while released look at the cable where it attaches to the ramp where the Three screws and cover on the Transmission have been removed before starting your work. Watch the Gasket if it gets oil or fluid on it pat it dry or replace it. The cable should not be pulling on the Ramp at all with Clutch Lever completely released..
The cable should have just a slight bit of movement up and down 1/16th.where it attaches to the Ramp. Now before you turn the screw on the XBs Clutch pack, pull the Clutch Lever several times and release it (don't) snap it keep it smooth and watch the action of the Ramp assembly . If that is good then move on to the Clutch pack where the Flat Screw is, make your Adjustment there as needed.
The ramp where the cable attaches should be aimed slightly towards the rear of the bike when the cable has been fully released depending on wear..
It will help to get the bike up on a Pitt Stand for testing. Always be Safe and Take your time. If you don't have a pit stand then do the cable first then Small adjustments!! Put cover on test GENTLY in first gear and see how it feels Hope this helps.*Jimi
Also with the Hyd. Clutch Always bleed out the air a few times on any Hyd. clutch then make your adjustments for cables and rods depending on which type of bike you have.*Jimi
Once you have tried the bike in first gear, if it is working good the Bike will roll freely with Clutch Lever pulled in.Even with the Hyd., OR Cable type will roll freely./ any drag at all. A Draging bike or Hard to roll with the lever pulled in means the Clutch needs to be adjusted or a possible problem exists Possible Friction disk warpage/ bearings or something of that nature.
Many times customers have tried to start their bike and the bike seems to want to learch (MOVE) forward when starting Because the Starter itself is trying to pull the Bike Forward due to An Clutch Adjustment is not quite correct. Even with the Lever pulled all the way in. Clutch is out of adjustment or something in the Transmission area. BUT, Small Things First!. No Bike should be hard to push in Neutral with Engine off OR running.. No bike should be hard to push with the Clutch Lever pulled in even in gear.
The Clutch lever pulled in releases all that in gear or not. There is a fine line at that area. Patience is key for that. I can't tell you how many times I have worked on someones bike and someone has come back and said Hey man My bike has never been that easy to push. You should Adjust your Clutch on Your bike every 5'000 or so miles depending on how you ride.Just take your time. Hope it is an easy fix.*Jimi
yeah im gonna have to agree with jim that when the bike is in gear and you pull the clutch in the bike should move freely just like if its not in gear because when the clutch is pulled in it should be fully disengaging the discs.
I have never experienced an XB that is difficult to push in gear with the clutch pulled in. If the clutch is not damaged and the cable/hydraulic slave is adjusted properly the clutch should not drag at all with the lever pulled in.
Think the description i gave was mis leading. I can move the bike around with clutch pulled in just fine. But there is definately a difference and more load vs neutral.

If what others have said true, then my bike has some serious clutch issues that arent noticeable after warm up and while riding. Seeing as i just adjusted my clutch all the way in and all the way out to test. And i felt the drag. [confused]
I DO...in fact have major clutch issues. developed on the way home today and i believe to be the source of many recent ghosts plaguing my poor Buell.
The bikes shouldn't have issue being pushed in gear with the clutch pulled. Granted there will be a little resistance at first as the plates may be slightly stuck together, but once moving there should be no issue.

What oil are you all using in your transmission? I use Mobil 1 20w-50 in the summer and 10w-40 in the winter and never had issues.