belly pan with lightning tail

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Not my bike, from badweb:

Wolfo you need to text me sometime man. Your behind on times and you should come over and see my new toy. I want to see your bikes. Maybe pick a color combo. Also I know a guy who's doing a soc bike right now he's got everything on order. He'll have it do like late December. He'll post some stuff on here for you guys.
I know man, just been crazy busy with work , school, and DJing. Both bikes are down right now though.
Sooo did some digging in my photos on my phone tonight and found this from my digging days before I knew how to make the s conversion if anyone ever posted a picture if a 1125 with an s tail iv probably seen it. And also I went and took a photo of my baybe today just for this thread i haven't really announced anything on here about the bike yet. I dont know why just haven't I guess but Wolfo this is what iv been doing I'm actually in the calendar too I'm sure a lot of people saw that photo. O ya and iv been sneaking some pictures in here and there which I think is funny but no one has said anything! Haha [up]


These that one with the chin fairing for you.

Ok so there's two. Each side.


She's a work in progress. I have A LOT to go.
Burning example. If I remember right I think it's Trojan horse that makes them there like 212 or 220 or something (unpainted) I'll look for them tonight for you guys and post a link here.

And dean you have NO idea how much I miss my rt-3 I hate hearing my bike right now it's so gay. I helped Donnie with his bike a few days ago and heard his exhaust I helped him find. I'm trying to sell all my parts and I will get your system sometime this winter. I'm just strapped right now. And I'll post my parts on here some time. I have aaaaa lotttt
I'm almost full up with work and ready to cut everyone off again for a while. My xb NEEDS to be torn down to replace the output shaft bearings. Deer season is in 9 days here, so that blows next weekend, I _will_ have some deer sausage this year.
Haha I totally understand dean I haven't had a weekend in like a month cause of deer season haha
So how did you do the subframe conversion? Got any pics of the adapters you made? Can you still buy the subframe from HD?
Burning example.
Iv been doing some digging for you so there was a company who made them when I was on there website a few Monthes ago but now it's not there and I know it was there cause I had the URL saved. It was made by
But sense they don't make them anymore (I would call them or email them and see if they still have the mold and could just make you one. But if not I found you another one. Here's the URL.
This thread is awesome. The belly pan lightning combo almost looks stock, factory like. Perhaps the big bore belly pan dean adams exhaust combo might very well be the ebr 1190 sx? Just saying

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