If you would like I can do some more digging but it's a shame solobuell doesn't have them posted anymore! I always wanted one but I can't have anything not carbon fiber anymore. It's really restricting.
No 50dro I don't believe twin has a belly pan for the 1125's I was going to email solo. Thanks though. And if I ever need anything from them I will be messaging you!
50 dro just priced me one shipping to my door from TM, it was very reasonable just cant justify that amount of cash this close to the holidays, but after we will see. thanks again dro for your hardwork and being our stateside rep for TM
Found THIS ONE in a quick search of the Twin Motorcycles site. We can get it as well if you're interested. Use our TWIN MOTORCYCLES QUOTE REQUEST function for a quote on it or any other Twin Motorcycle part you're interested in that's not already on our site.