Worst Appearance in a Music Video by a Motorcycle

Buellxb Forum

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He's a lunatic. And fans are finally starting to see through his ********. He had a concert a couple nights ago and only 4500 people showed up. Douche.
He's a lunatic
Yea, I couldn't even watch the whole thing; how does it end? Hopefully those wild horses run out in front of him, resulting in a firey crash...

During the first 30 seconds I did watch, all I could think was "This. Guy. Takes. Himself. Way. Too. Seriously."
I don't feel that is a safe riding practice. No safety gear... I mean how could you concentrate on the road? :D
Kayne uses the word genius a lot, i dont think it means what he thinks it means. I think the word he is looking for is idiot savant.
He thinks he's so great, but it's obvious he in't actually riding. It's obvious the whole thing is green screened
Just from reading the above replies and responses, I think we need look no further for the champion of the title of this thread.

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