What Wideband setup are you using?

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Jun 6, 2012
I'm mostly curious about what wideband o2 setup everyone is using? I'm planning on getting one in the next couple days. In the $150-$200 range it's looking like a PLX Devices SM-AFR(with D6 multigauge) or an Innovate LC-1(with gauge), LC-2 (without gauge), or MTX-L(all in one unit) are going to be my best options.
I went with one of the Innovate models - but wish I would have gone with either the LC-1 or LC-2. I currently have the gauge permanently mounted, but it is not waterproof and so therefor I definitely don't ride in the rain...not that I really wanted to in the first place.
Jake, send a message to theoctopus in case he doesn't see this. He can point you in the right direction for wide band. Can't remember off the top of my head what he told me, but pretty sure it was LC-1 as the best way to go.

Let me know what you do though, I'm wanting to do a wide band set up as well...got the bung holes in both headers so I can tune both cylinders independently...
I read in old thread that Dean used the PLX Devices...He was happy with them, don't know if he changed his setup at all...IIRC that was a couple years ago. Yeah, Im going to weld secondary bungs in my headers so I can swap the WB o2 sensors and tune each cyclinder separately.
Sweet...well which ever way you go, I'll be tapping into your experience when I get back to Vegas! [up]
It might be an experience for both of us, LOL! I think I've got it down for 07 and earlier, but I've gotta do some more searching for the 08+ bikes. BUT I'm down!
I run both PLX Devices and MTX-L's from Innovate. I'd go with a pair of the MTX-L's since they're cheaper and do the same thing. I think it was close to $600 for the PLX setup and under $400 for the Innovate set in a pair. Really it depends on how you want it mounted, neither one is waterproof, but the PLX display is something I take off the bike if it's even thinking about raining or misting any at all. The MTX-L's are fine in light rain, just not a downpour.





Personally, I went with a pair for tuning. I fail to see the point in tuning one cylinder, then going back and tuning the other. Tune them to match the A/F ratio you want together, not separate. This is just my opinion, so take it for what it's worth. I'd bet even money if you did one first, then the other and went back and checked the first one, it would be off again. Not by a lot, but scavenging on a V-twin will change the tuning.
I have AEM and works pretty good, can't go wrong with the price also
I did the LC-1's they were easiest, I did each cylinder the same day (i switched between front and rear I did have two Wideband O2's).

I dont see a big difference if any for my AFR's being way off.
ecmspy logs digitial output from innovate and plx, lc-1 is the only one tested. ddfi-3 will log any analog input between 0-5v on afr pins.
Running a Zeitronix ZT2 attached to a Palm Pilot running . Pocketlogger software. I then I open the file with ZTPViewer and make sure the format is correct for the log (I have to change the # of cylinders). Then I save the file as an excel file. I then open the file with winlogviewer which I have setup the same as our maps. This then shows me what AFR I am running in each block that I can manipulate in the EEPROM map. Once you have it setup it is really easy.