08 1125r battery drain

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Aug 4, 2014
replaced battery again checked all grounds again dies in 2 weeks if tender not hooked up in garage yesterday and heard a long beep and what sounded like the fuel pump everything turned off no key in ign keeps doing it about every minute any body ever heard of this?
Its common on the 1125's after its been ridden. It should only do it after a ride, general consensus is the fuel is circulating to keep the pumps primed and pressure up but also helps with cool down.
I ment the whirring noise is common, not the battery drain. 2 weeks shouldn't drain the battery. Out of curiosity how old is the battery?
just replaced battery have voltmeter bought new in 08 just started this crap driving me nuts not giving up though have a garage full of harleys never a prob. with batteries bought highest cranking amp bat.
Find out what revision instrument cluster you have, there was a recall on early 08 1125's for the parasitic battery drain. It's something in the cluster itself. I know it's probably out of warranty now unless you have an extended one, so if it is, try sourcing an 09 cluster for it.
Any idea what firmware the bike is running, I have heard of the 08's with outdated software having parasitic battery drain.
see what you guys think about my conclusion kept making the beep and sucking noise so i sat on the bike stood it up and it did it 3 times and stopped. Realized it was almost out of gas.Would the pump keep trying to prime with no gas when i put it on the kickstand? noise changed also when i added fuel
Is this after a ride long enough to get the bike up to operating temps for awhile. Mine does it all the time after a ride of 30-45 mins or more. Now it is noted that the early instrument firmware caused parasitic battery drain.
Does your cluster show what gear your in while riding? 08 versions didnt show that and they are the ones known for parasitic drain.

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