HELP! My 2005 XB9R keeps shutting off!

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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2013
Twice now, my bike has just simply died. I coast to the side of the road, wait about 60 sec, and it fires up and runs. Anyone else have this issue before?
Have you checked for any codes? Did you loose electronics when this happened?

I think id look into your relays first, how to test them is on page 465 in the xb9 service manual. If it dies like that again immediate turn the key off and back on to see if the pump primes and will fire back up.
Interesting. Check those relays in the fuse block. If your ignition relay was to intermittently loose power it would instantly kill the bike.

Just looking at your name your in Texas? About where are you located?
I start with the dumb stuff first. Your battery terminals are tight? Battery in good shape? Clean gas in the tank? Ignition switches tight & clean?
I originally from Texas... Located in Arkansas now.

I haven't even touched the bike yet. Eased it home, stuck her in the garage, and have been getting ready for a bike road bike ride I'm doing this weekend. I'll check all the simple stuff first thing next week.

Thanks guys!
A good friend and Buell enthusiast is going to look at it for me. He thinks it's the throttle or cam sensor?
Usually a Temperature Sensor will not stall engine unless the fan is broken and Engine heat reaches its limit due to overheating .The FUSE Would Blow as long as correct fuse has been installed
TOO many keys on the Key rings can damage switches.
IF your Fan is operating correctly most times Temperature Sensor is not your problem. . The Ign., switch OR Loose Connections and connections at fuel pump. The low Battery Volts. Things like that. Try the SMALL things first.. Also check your Cam ignition module .
Usually when you can coast over to the side of the road right after it stalls out, then restart the engine right back up a possible ignition OR fuel problem OR something simple.
Check your Fuses and Relays first for loose connections check all connections at the fuel pump areas and Battery as well. Hope it is an easy fix. *JIMI
sounds familiar...

is the 7.5 fuse blown? next check the screw on the cable clamps for the battery it longer than it should be? next, check the wire harness below the battery cables, pull the sheathing back and check out all the wires for chaffing, broken or frayed.

what I've walked you through happened to '03 Lightning...the screw in the clamp rubbed into the harness and almost severed a wire causing the engine to die and blowing the 7.5 fuse. environmental butt connector fixed it, no issues since.

just something else to look at, since anything is possible...