Drag racing????? 1/4 mile times and speeds...

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May 19, 2007
Was wondering what you guys have gotten out of your bikes at the drag strip? Year, model, engine?

I have a 2003 Buell XB9r and was wondering what I might be able to achieve out of it. I know a lot of a bikes time has to do with the rider but just curious on what others have gotten.

Hi, I have a '07 Buell xb12r, best time so far is a 12.12 @ 110 mph. I don't have my slips here, but I think my best light was a 121. Hoping I can break into the high 11's with some "rider" improvement[up]
Wow, I have been gone for a week and so far there have been 121 hits on this post but yet only one reply??????????? Is it that all of you have never run at the track? Or are you ashamed by your times?

I have yet to run but given the fact I have only had my bike for 2 weeks and was gone for one..... But none the less I hope to have a slip up soon.

Also was wondering if you need your cycle endorsement at the strip or if a paper license will do the job as long as you have the proper gear?

Later Brandon
I got my Buell XB12R about two weeks ago as well. I do wanna take it out to the track after I break in the bike a little more but until then I am also curious on seeing some more drag times.
I hit the track and was turning 1:57:?? and hitting the 130+ range (indicated)on long straights does that help??
That's more road racing than the drags.

Personally, I race a 1980 Firebird I've been building for the last 12 years. I have no inclination to put the Ulysses on the track.
Mororcyclist magazine ran a 1200 Buell Lightning (2004) at 11.37 @ 117MPH
Check out motorcyclistonline.com performance specs
Well was going to go to the strip tonight but my buddy didnt get his fuel pump on his GTO (newer body) had to upgrade for the twin turbo setup. But we will be going Friday, knock on wood. So hopefully I can pull maybe a 12.5 pass at about 110 out of my ass, but we will see.

Good luck xlow, The only track time that I know of where I'm at in Oklahoma City is a run what you brung night some where south west of the city. I believe it is the first Friday of the month so I'll let you know in a week in a half what happened.
You had a ****-load of hits and no posts because we all know our bikes are built for corners, not straight lines. I have a 72' Kaw H2 750 that'll eat any streetable Buell in a 1/4 mile with low 9's. If you want to be taken seriously, learn to turn!
I can turn but that doesn't mean a Buell cant run a 1/4 mile. Or is there some type of law were a good handling bike/car/truck cant run a quarter? I am pretty sure even a high end sports cars that is built to corner such as a Vette, Lambo, etc. still run on the strip for fun, but I could be mistaken. And in turn if a bike has no power it isn't **** in-between turns. Unless you know a place that is never ending turns and no straight aways?

I guess I am just curious on the times and I really dont need bashing.

I like to think of my Buell as a muscle car on two wheels. I love burning up a straight away with all this low end power. I like a good twisty every now and again, but I am more hesitant now that I saw what happened to BuellPartsGuy on the 'Bad Accident' thread.

I am interested to know the 0-60, 0-100 and 0-120 mph on a XB12.
went to my local drag strip last night with my 07 xb12r (k&n, race ecm, pipe). i was dissapointed, i wish i didnt know how fast it was..lol. i ran a 12.53 @ 109mph. my girl beat me on her 07 zx-6r with a 12.33 @ 114mph. talk about emabarasing. go and lose to your girlfriend. so uh is NOS an option with these bikes?
Of course it is....but why do that? You were able to hang with an inline superbike, on an air cooled V-Twin!!! Thats respectable. What were your 1/8 mile times? Curious to see if you beat her there.
i did. i had her beat at the 1/8th and 1000 ft. i dont have my slips in front of me but my 1/8th mile times were in the 8's. thats the first time i have driven a bike down the track so need some practice too.
Hey guys. So know one has really ran there XB9R. well i will have to get my slip up on monday or maybe this weekend but my times are right around 12.80 at 103mph give or take. i am still waiting on my Remus fuel controller then i will go faster(leaning out on the top end). on the bracket light i pull .04, .05. Love My XB9R
hey i have the same bike a 2003 xb9r adn my best time is 12.32 at 110 mph! i have the same jardine exhaust with an open intake box! no computer work yet!
My best 60ft is a 1.90. i can lunch my bike so hard it freaks guy out at the track (because of the short wheel base). My problem is leaning out but i am working on that right now. No top end pull now.

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