Drag racing????? 1/4 mile times and speeds...

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00 X1 race stripe, force intake & exhaust. 6" over swingarm. strutted, Shinko "hook up" rear tire , chain drive, best time so far 11.5 @ 115 mph. 60" 1.63
just this sunday 7/22/12


My dad is on my 01 X1 on the left and I am on the right on my 1125r/cr conversion.
Just wanted to post, last year I ran my 07 xb12r w exhaust, custom tune, a/f and breather re rout and ran 12.01 at 116mph this year I did the gear reduction I put the xb9r primary gear and chain in my trans, and ran a 12.38 at 110 mph had too launch in 2nd gear and was hitting red line in 5th gear just as I crossed the 1/4 mile line, although my time was slower my 60ft, 330 and 1/8th mile times improved
Just got back from Tri-State Raceway in Earlville, Iowa. I ran my 2008 Buell XB9SX that has a magnaflow exhaust built by me and a K&N air filter. Here's my times:

R/T .001
60' 1.930
330 5.189
1/8 7.879
MPH 90.84
1000 10.250
1/4 12.293
MPH 109.71

Not sure how I pulled off the .001 light but it sure feels good to see that on my slip.
My best time is on a 1/8 mile track.. no 1/4 mile tracks around.. the bike is a 07 xb12s, mods are 595 cams, race map, open air box, custom exhaust, hot plugs.. This is my best as of now...

r/t .002
60" 1.871
330 4.967
1/8 7.551
mph 96.99...

I did this pass side by side with redwhiteandbuell this summer.. I also did another 7.55 pass but all the other times were different.. little slower on the launch and top speed... ever since it has been about impossible to come close to that.. I believe my clutch is in dier need of replacement.. closest i have got since then is a 7.72 if i can find the slip i will post a pic..
Time to dig up an old thread for the new drag racing season!

I posted my video a few posts back, but I figured I'd post my best time on here for those that don't want to watch it:

2004 XB12R, Jardine CF, Custom ECMSpy Tune, K&N Filter

RT: 0.205
60': 1.936
330': 5.052
1/8: 7.641 @ 93.92mph
1000: 9.920
1/4: 11.878 @ 114.17mph

Let's put down some good numbers this season!

Bristol my 04 Lightning with buell race kit best was 12.417 on bristol thunder valley which is high altitude. my 09 firebolt best stock was 12.390 also at Bristol.
Guess I have to see the rules on safety leathers at thunder valley I'd like to see what my 02 s3 will do !
murd leathers needed to run 1/4 (seem to let chaps pass if you have those) you need at least helmet gloves jacket and closed toe shoes to run 1/8th.
Thunder valley said , long pants , gloves , boots that go above the ankle ( work boots are acceptable ) and a leather or Kevlar riding coat/jacket .seems all I need to do is get a jacket ( the helmet part is a no brainier )
This is an old thread but reading this is pretty much all I knew about drag racing before I went tonight. I also didn't understand a damn thing about it but two really nice Buell guys showed me the ropes and were very nice. First run I took it cautious. Second run I got greedy and popped a wheelie, unexpectedly and accidentally popped it into neutral. Third run my head started to understand some things. For $22 that was so much fun! '04 Firebolt XB12R.
R/T: .455
60': 2.093
330: 5.595
1/8: 8.520
MPH: 84.31
1000: 11.145
1/4: 13.424
MPH: 95.39

All in all I had fun. I could have pushed it harder but was taking it easy and not there to impress anyone. One of the Buell guys had an extended swing arm and it was incredibly fast. He said I beat him once because he "red lighted." I don't know what that means but it was nice of him to say. That was on my worst run, with the wheelie and neutral flop.
WillRotten, nice job. Totally respect the honesty and the admittance to mistakes. Sounds like you had a blast. The other guy that "red lighted" jumped the beams, he left to early before the he was supposed to.
Okay, that's what I was guessing but didn't know for sure. I was such a newbie. Went knowing that but I like doing new things and things that scare me. This was both. I want to go back tonight but can't. I'm hooked. The track is going to let me do my stunt there next Sunday. I'll be the first person in the world to swallow a sword while riding a motorcycle
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