morning ride trouble...CEL flash, engine sputter

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2011
just as the title says...happened twice this morning, average speed about 45-50mph, CEL flashed for a couple of seconds, then back to normal running state. hooked up ecmspy, ran diagnotics and read for trouble codes. none noted. voltage reading normal, CPS signal flashing between 0 green and 5 red, so static timing checks ok. fuel pump running normal, no fuses blown, everything in the fuse box installed properly.
waiting on the bike to cool down and will remove the airbox cover, check IAT sensor, fuel injectors, plug wires are connected to coil and plugs properly. already checked battery terminals and grounds, all secured properly. starter ground secured.
have i missed anything so far? any ideas? thanks for any help....
IAT sensor, fwd plug wire to coil connections were good, hard to tell but may have pushed the rear plug wire on a bit, coil connector was also good, cylinder temp, O2 sensors and both injectors connections were good. no oil leaks noted anywhere under the airbox. fan connector looked good. just checked everything under the hood so to speak. so scratching my head as to what caused the CEL to flash and engine sputter.
thought of fuel as well, maybe got a bad batch on Thursday, last I filled up. maybe run some octane boost, stabil...any thoughts?
Ive had issues with my battery due to vibration cause intermittent CEL and sputter.

Strange nothing was documented in the codes. Keep riding hopefully it throws a code. I hate intermittent issues.
had identical thing happen with a 2007 uly a few years ago. the coil grounding points were suspect. removed both bolts...cleaned all up...cleaned dog-bone link and grounding cable...ran ground from rear coil mount bolt to neg. batt cable. resolved it.
rode the bike to the local meet up tonight, absolutely no issues with the bike...leads me to think the rear plug wire was the issue since it seemed to have seated a bit when I pushed on it yesterday.

lunaticfringe...this weekend I'll get into her a bit deeper, I'll check the coil mount and hardware, thanks for the tip
lunaticfringe...this weekend I'll get into her a bit deeper, I'll check the coil mount and hardware, thanks for the tip

always my pleasure. i can tell from the quality and wealth of knowlege in your posts that in all probability you already know this....but contrary to popular belief....current/electrons only flow OUT of the battery and into the starter system during cranking. at all other times current/electrons flow from the negative terminal INTO the system and the battery. it is all totally dependent on grounding points. i've found that the XB grounding points are adequate if kept clean and tight and attended to as part of routine maintenance; but the coil mount to front cylinder bracket ground leaves alot to be desired. mocking up a suitably sized wire and running it directly from rear coil mounting bolt to negative battery cable often times alleviates cold start jitters....misfires...and that occasional momentary loss of spark under normal cruise conditions. i do the above to every buell i own when installing new plugs.