Rocker cover gaskets

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2011
Bellville, South Africa
Hi guys!

Hope you all had a really blessed Christmas and great New Year!

Just came back from holiday and we have another heart wave set to hit Cape Town tomorrow :upset:

I need to do some maintenance work on the Uly.
It is an 08 XT. I remember you guys suggested aftermarket/better rocker cover gaskets.
My front one is leaking some oil, so that needs to be done. But our current exchange rate vs US$ sucks and is probably gonna get worse...

Also want to service front shocks with some fresh oil, seat needs to be re-upholstered and I have a nasty noise from the clutch area.
When you pull the clutch leaver in it the motor goes noticeably quieter and once you let go the noise is really noticeable.

Not sure is this video helps at all:

Any ideas to what needs to be checked?

Apart from a new front tyre she is purring like a kitten, with loads of pull and no issues.

Started her up after more than 2 weeks of standing and fired right up. :D
i prefer James brand over factory as many others do as well. James full "top-end" gasket set part# for the 2007 and UP models is JGI-17049-07-X
Thanx! Where would be the best place to buy from or are they all pretty much the same?
wally: i would try ebay and amazon for starters. use the search window at top of each sites' home-page and simply type in James along with the part # i furnished. that's where i would start. you're in South Africa as i recall....correct? reason i ask is if you make the purchase here in America have the vendor ship to you via USPS priority air.....NOT first class air. first class air to SA is absolutely horrible and has no tracking...takes forever....real nightmare on your end. FYI.
Finally got my gaskets today! It spent more time at customs than the actual trip to South Africa from the States!

If my flu has subsided enough by the weekend I am doing my first engine rotation and fitting the new gaskets along with some fresh plugs while I am at it.

Any pointers to look out for?

Thanx guys! :up:
Make sure you have a service manual handy. I usually do this and have hand written notes handy, or printed copies of directions, so I can check off each step. This helps me to not miss an important step when the beers start flowing.

Be careful when you pull the rocket box off that you do not allow the rocker arm pins to fall out. They can be a PITA to get lined back up correctly.

Do not remover the push rods and stuff something around push rod cover top. This will insure nothing falls in there while your cleaning mating surfaces and what not.

Handle your OEM rubber gaskets from rocker box cover with care. They are reusable and if you're not reusing them at this time, you never know when you might need em.

There are four inner bolts, in the rocker box, that call for something like 20in pounds of torque(can't quite remember exactly). I usually go hand tight plus a little less than half a turn with a wrench on those. I've tried torquing them to manual specs in the past and have had them snap. You'll know which ones I'm talking about when you look in the manual. They're the ones with the lowest torque specs.

Use a few light dabs of gasket sealer to help hold the new gaskets in place when reassembling everything.

Take your time and enjoy the wrench time!
Good luck!
Thanx Chickn! Had shocks serviced last weekend. Getting ready for an adventure riding weekend on the first weekend of September.

Might be a few Ulys in between the BMWs and KTMs.

Just want to get everything ready before then.
i prefer James brand over factory as many others do as well. James full "top-end" gasket set part# for the 2007 and UP models is JGI-17049-07-X

Lunatic, just so that I am 100% sure, this would be the same gasket kit for a 2008 XB9SX?