oil light on...going down the check list of causes

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Jan 4, 2009
I have an 06 xb9sx with 6000 miles on it. My oil light popped on and stays on. The bike has oil in it. I checked the oil pump and all gears appear in good condition. I blew out all oil hoses and none were clogged. refilled bike with 20w-50 oil. checked oil light switch and that appears fine too. started the bike and oil light remains on. it sounds like it may be the lifters ticking, but would this cause the oil light to stay on? Has anyone had this type of problem? I know replacing the lifters will be an involved job so im just still looking for a good way to diagnose the problem before I chase my tail some more.
what would cause the oil pressure to be messed up? We swapped the oil switch on another xb9 that was in the shop. appeared to be fine on the other bike and my light still went on when the other bikes switch was on mine.
I would pull the shaft out of the pump and check that, I vaguely remember hearing about those cracking before.

Not to ask the dumb question, but did you change the filter when you did the oil?

You could always pull the pressure sender out and throw a pressure gauge in there... see if its got low oil pressure or no oil pressure.

page 3-81 of the service manual you can download off the site has some good troubleshooting ideas as well.

Mainly, checking to see that the oil pressure sender wire isn't grounded. (unplug it from the sensor and check the resistance to ground. It should be high.
mad thanx to you buellysses n lefox! you were right! the shaft was cracked! when i pulled out the oil pump last time i just checked the gear wear. this time checked the shaft. it was cut in two! replaced it and now the bike purrs again! thanx sooooo much![up]