View Full Version : ECMspy, megalog tunning
05-22-2009, 07:11 PM
First off never make changes yourself in the fuel maps unless you know what your doing and never take away fuel anywhere in the maps until your an expert and you know exactly what your doing.
Second, read the tuning guide several times first, it will answer most questions you will have.
This may seem daunting but after you do it a few times its very easy and addictive.
What is the purpose of tuning? The purpose of tuning is to get the bike with your mods to run stoich threw all the tps positions and rpm range. Stoich or Stoichiometric (14.7) is the ideal combustion ratio for a gas combustion engine.
Most of what I have learned is from Gbailis, Xopti, and Gemini on a few other sites so im just passing on the information that I know and how I map it. It has significantly improved the performance of my bike.
What you need. A portable recording device like a Palm OS or Laptop, ecmspy and cable and Megalog viewer.
Ok so you did the tps rest, checked your static timing and did a diagnostic test and are ready to tune. Set your AFV to 100% its right next to your tps reset button on the diagnostic page.
First time I tuned I left the eeeprom untouched and logged it. I did not ride it for the first tune I just free reved it in my garage for a few min then ran the ve revised the map then took it for the first ride. It added a lot to the fuel maps and got everything in a safe range. You dont need to do it but I liked the way it turned out. Make sure you save your stock eeeprom and maps in a safe place, I bought a 1 gig flash drive and saved it to that and my wifes computer also two places on my computer and emailed it to myself just to be sure. I also saved my first tune map in the same locations just in case.
Then save your fuel maps in the Kenfield folder by going to the map page in ecmspy and click (save as) then make a good name for your first map and save it in ecmspy/kenfield folder.
hook the bike up and make sure the keys are depressed and the bike is getting real time info. On the overview page You should be able to twist the throttle and see the tps and rpm move. Then depress the button that looks like a floppy disc. It should go to a green check mark and your logging. Put your laptop in you back pack or secure it to your bike and take a ride.
Ride the bike around going threw the gears and the rpm range. First go threw it slow and then fast making sure to try to never roll off the throttle but to close the throttle fast on deceleration. Your going to log a lot so a short first ride is fine just make sure you go threw the gears a few time and take it up to about 5k in the rpms.
When you return shut the bike off and press the floppy disc so it goes to a red X.
Now on your computer click on-
my computer
disc drive C
ecmspy floder
Megalog folder
and click on the folder that looks like this
Click on open msq the map is located in, Local C: drive, program folder, ECMspy folder, Kenfield folder. Remember when you saved your fuel map into that folder. This is what your going to change.
Click on Buell
Click on TPS 8bit
Make sure the Ve bins 2, on the top button put your pointer over it and a drop down list come up and click on Ve bins2 ( this is your rear cylinder map and the only one you want to run in the ve analyzer. It has the 02 sensor in it and the front cylinder makes its adjustment to what the rear cylinder does.) The bottom one is just for you viewing pleasure. At this point its good to just fool around with megalog and and see what does what and play with the buttons. I always make sure that one of my graphs is set to AFV so I can see what is going on. If its higher than 100% you ecm is having to add fuel if its below 100 its removing fuel. You will need that info later on when you get deep into tuning. You dont need to set the graphs or anything to run the analyzer but its cool to see your ride and what your bike is doing.
Now press the VE analyzer button.
This should come up and click on advanced settings, it does not look like a button but it is, just put your pointer on it and left click. Make sure the temp is at 150 and cell change is at normal. then press the analyze button. These are filters, also at the top of the page under specialized filters make sure the box for (disable overrun filter) is not checked.
It will do its thing and try to change everything to get the bike to run a 14.7. You should see the numbers turning blue. Blue is adding pulse width and red is taking it away. you can put your pointer over the cell and see the change it made. If I had any numbers go red I put them back to the original numbers for now. You can click on the cell and use the buttons on the top right of the map to move the numbers up or down.
After it runs the press accept new table.
Back on this page
Press (Save MSQ As) then name the map and save it. I named mine as Tune Map so I know what one I need to load.
Now open ECMspy and fetch eeeprom from bike. Go to your fuel map page
Under File menu click on your map you just save (mine would be Tune Map) Your new map will come up, go to your rear map. Highlight your entire rear map, right click and copy
then go to the front map.
Make sure you check tps 8 bit and these boxes are unchecked
Then highlight the entire front cylinder map and hit paste. then with the entire map highlighted add two by pressing the up arrow button. Mine does not show the arrow but its this button. Your front map always needs to be richer than the rear by at least 2 points, I run mine at a 3 point difference.
Then make sure both maps look ok and no funky numbers are on the maps like a 0 or a number thats 100 point difference than the numbers around it , if your comfortable with it press burn maps to ecm and answer yes and follow instruction. make sure you turn your key off for a few seconds. Then save those maps again, it should go to Kenfield but make sure. Name it some thing new I named mine Tune Map 1 so I can always go back to a safe map if I ever need to start over and I have had to start over.
Part 2 coming soon. Your Next step in tuning. We will be turning a few things off and locking the AFV to get good numbers. You should already feel a difference in the bike.
Popping in the exhaust is normal and hard to remove but it can be done.
05-22-2009, 08:12 PM
Why the hell is this not a "Sticky" yet?
05-22-2009, 11:23 PM
Great post Gator. Looking forward to part 2.
05-23-2009, 12:32 PM
Nice simple breakdown, wish I would have had this when I first used Spy last year! Thread should be called "ECM Spy for Dummies" like the books! Very cool as Spy can be very overwelming at first.
teh Nub
05-23-2009, 03:29 PM
You need to be using the "afrBins2" rather than the "Default AFR" when using the VE Analyzer. Also set your Min CLT to 135.
05-23-2009, 03:41 PM
Ok, Part two.
So now you have your first map or two and when you ran the Ve analyzer all the numbers that changed were blue.
When your ready to log again open ECMspy while connected to the bike and fetch EEEPROM.
Now open the ECM-config page, and uncheck the Open loop learn enable box and click the burn button
Now under (Other maps) tab Change the Default open loop delay to 0. Do this by clicking on the number 3 then in the open box with equal sign next to it a highlighted 3 will appear. Just hit 0 then the = and it will change. Then hit burn.
Then in the AFV boxes change the numbers to 100 on both sides the same way you changed the number 3 in the delay
box. Now rest your AFV at 100, and go for a ride.
When you lock out the AFV (Adaptive Fuel valve) your ecm cant make changes to the fuel map to compensate for the information it gets from the sensors. You will then get constant numbers instead of megalog chasing it around.
When you return from your ride, run the VE analyzer and make the change to your map. You will probably get a lot of red numbers but thats ok megalog is just trying to get stoich. Load the new map to your bike making sure you Copy the rear map to the front and add two. From this point I usually save my new map under Tune Map every time I run the VE only saving the map then copy it under a different name when I feel the bike is running perfect and the AFV stays at 100. Make sure you tune with the same map you just adjusted every time.
Now you need to go back to ecmspy and put everything back to normal, check the open loop learn box and the 3 second delay and the AFV back to 140 max and 80 min and you burn everything. Dont for get to reset the AFV. Make sure you look everything over so that all the numbers jive and nothing looks out of place.
Now start the log again and go for another ride and ride the crap out of it. Go up threw the gears, slow, med and fast, go threw some corners and do some cruising at highway speed.
Return and stop the log. Now go to the megalog folder( My computer, C: drive, program folder, Ecmspy, Megalog, and click on the file log you just made. Megalog will automaticly name the file, it's the date and time (20090305_0930) Year, month, day_ 24 hour clock.
Now open the file and change the graphs to what ever you want but make one of them is the AFV. You do this by putting the pointer over a box and a drop down menu will show. Then click on AFV.
If you can see the AFV in the graph shows the high number is 116. This shows the AFV had to add 116% of the value of the pulse width of that cell to get to stoich or 14.7. If it shows a number below then the AFV had to take away fuel.
This was one of my first logs. Note : If you right click on the graph itself you can jump to a high or low number like rpm, speed, AFV, spark, battery Volt ect. or enter a specific number your looking for. This helps when looking for a specific area of the map that needs adjusting when you get into advanced tuning.
Do this whole process over and over again until the graph shows your AFV at 100 in both the high and low numbers.
Make sure you Copy the rear map to the front and add 2 every time.
Once you have 100 afv top and bottom in megalog graphs then you can still log and try to get the cells you hardly get. Just change the Easy to hard on the cell change. This just makes megalog require more information to change the cells. This will give you less back and forth with the cell changes each time you run the VE. After awhile you will notice the cells moving back and forth only one or two numbers each time. You can also move the rpm filters around to target areas specifically with out changing the entire map every time.
This is as far as I have gotten with the logging. I have a wideband LC-1 heated 02 sitting on my shop bench waiting to go in so thats next.
Feel free to add anything I missed or cool tricks I did not post. Hope this helps and dont hesitate to ask questions.
05-23-2009, 04:51 PM
You need to be using the "afrBins2" rather than the "Default AFR" when using the VE Analyzer. Also set your Min CLT to 135.
I know Mike sets his stuff at that and that works but if you set the clt at 135 you may be logging in the cold start enrichment and my throw your logs off. I keep mine at 150 just in case. I forgot to add afrbins 1 or 2 but the default will not hurt as long as you are not running with the open loop learn enable off all the time. Some do and just rely on the map itself but without a wideband 02 sensor tune on both cylinders I would not trust it.
05-24-2009, 01:57 AM
Awesome Stuff Gator - Way to share the wealth. [up]
teh Nub
05-24-2009, 08:29 AM
Here is another good how to write up on various ecmspy tuning.
06-02-2009, 03:54 PM
thanks teh
RT Performance
07-10-2009, 01:23 AM
Is there a way to data log with the laptop closed?
07-10-2009, 01:51 AM
You have to set you laptop to stay awake while the screen is closed.
RT Performance
07-10-2009, 12:59 PM
For Vista Users.
In Vista, you will need to look in your /Program Files/ ECMSPY folder at the top of the folder page you will see something called "Capatability Files".
If you click on it you will then see your log files in kennfeld. You will also notice that Vista puts those files in another directory called:
Just a weird Vista deal.
Go to the Control Panel and choose Power Options and you will be able to choose the lid closing option you need. Look on the left menu pane.
Thanks Bratgin
08-02-2009, 02:56 PM
I hate to say your switched up on something IMPORTANT, Because this thread is great, but, I believe the rear maps have to be richer because it runs hotter.
As from the developer, and I quote.
"Front and Rear Maps
The Buell and most air cooled in-line V Twins runs hotter on the rear cylinder than the front one due to airflow across the fins. To compensate for this Buell design the ECM with separate tables for Fuel and ignition on front and rear cylinders.
The rear cylinder should normally be similar, but slightly richer than the front cylinder in any area of the fuel map."
08-02-2009, 03:07 PM
GatorBuell...GREAT job. [up]
Thanks for sharing your diligent efforts.
08-02-2009, 05:24 PM
I hate to say your switched up on something IMPORTANT, Because this thread is great, but, I believe the rear maps have to be richer because it runs hotter.
As from the developer, and I quote.
"Front and Rear Maps
The Buell and most air cooled in-line V Twins runs hotter on the rear cylinder than the front one due to airflow across the fins. To compensate for this Buell design the ECM with separate tables for Fuel and ignition on front and rear cylinders.
The rear cylinder should normally be similar, but slightly richer than the front cylinder in any area of the fuel map."
I understand and have read that from the developer. But after much discussion and testing from others like mike(xopti)on other boards it was determined that that the front cylinder gets more air thus needs a little more fuel. Once you have 14.7 threw tuning if you try to add more fuel to the rear cylinder the afv will, reading the only 02 sensor, remove the added fuel to get to 14.7. The only way that you could add more to the rear than the front is to remove the 02 from the rear pipe and add it to the front or run two sensors. Or you could move your mid point 02 volts up to get a richer afr. Or you could tune until you afv stays at 100% then turn off your closed loop learn and add a few to the entire rear map. But that is all advanced stuff and this thread is just the bare basic beginner stuff so it does not seem so daunting or scary.
08-05-2009, 03:08 AM
RT Performance
08-05-2009, 04:19 AM
Just a fyi Do not upgrade lets a 2005 stock pcm to a 2007 and you cannot just burn the race map to a stock ecm.
stock to race+doesn't run and cooling fan runs all the time.
2005 to 2007 works ok but intermently you get a flashing check engine light with no codes.
I burned many of car ecm with update and thought i should go with the latest hardware(bad idea).
Being the 02 is in the rear head only it safe to cusion the front.
08-26-2009, 11:53 PM
Please can someone share their ecmspy for Palm pilot? I've spent hours looking with no luck. Please help me, my baby doesn't run or sound good!!
09-11-2009, 09:22 PM
Excellent writeup. I have a question though.
I have done the log/tune/relog process a few times and I am now at exactly 102.1 AFR dead on, high and low. Does that sound normal or should they always be separated some? The bike seems to run well, but still has a small amount of flutter/chugging at light throttle low rpm situaions such as crusing around town at 2100-2300 rpm. This is a race ECM and I already have the white wire disabled, but I still have some stumble in that range. Any tips?
Do you think I should just keep at it until am at 100 AFV constantly?
09-11-2009, 10:18 PM
Yea keep going until your at 100. Mine stays at 98% thats as close as I could get it. That stumble is a fueling issue, Gbalias figured it out and posted the fix, Link (
09-12-2009, 12:39 PM
Very helpful, thanks. I tried the fix from Gbalias on my current "close" map and its much better.
Now I'm off for some more logging. Just to make sure I'm not chasing my tail here, I am repeating logging steps 1 and 2 in order each time, ie:
-logging with open loop learn and stuff off
-Use MLV to make a new map from that log
-flash that map and re-enable open loop learn, etc.
-log again
-use this info only to verify my AFV min/max for that run
-Back to disabling the open loop learn, rinse, repeat.
Or should I be making a map from the second logging run using OLL? I think I am doing it right. I'm just unsure because AFV only changed by .1 the last time and it's still a little off 100. Maybe I'm impatient... actually I know I am.
Thanks again[up]
09-12-2009, 03:54 PM
are you locking your afv at 100 min/max and turning off the closed loop learn enable to log. Megalog ve a new map then turn everything back on and go for a good ride and see if the afv moves.
You will know when your as close as you can get the over all change will only be a point or two per cell. If your that close change your setting to hard or very hard if you keep logging in the ve analyzer advanced settings or you will just be chasing environmental changes.
09-12-2009, 08:47 PM
That's how I'm doing it, so I must be on the right track. I may do one more before I switch up to hard.
09-12-2009, 09:40 PM
Make sure you reset your afv at 100 in the diagnostics page before you log. [up] Sounds like you on the right track.
09-15-2009, 05:58 PM
great info. 07 XB12X Got a question about ignition timing. Comparing the fr\rr ignition tables the rear timing at 7000 rpm 10-60 tps is 20' less than the front. Anyone shed any light on why?
09-15-2009, 07:29 PM
Im lost when it comes to timing. You might want to start a new post and ask that question.
09-22-2009, 07:04 AM
Well I made the rear timing the same as the front. Made a few adjustments to smooth the curve. Been logging and analysing, bike seems to be running OK. Time will tell
09-23-2009, 10:46 PM
consider it a soft rev limiter. kinda.
10-03-2009, 01:23 AM
Just seems odd, one cylinder having retarded timing at hi rpm. XB9 map doesnt, looks like all the units using GB231 have this retard feature. other firmware doesnt. The soft/hard limiters are still available to be adjusted.
At least we have things to adjust now, just like the good old days
Could someone give a simple how-to set values to 08+ fuel maps by hand and then upload them to bike. Edit the .msq file and then upload as normal with ECM spy, that simple? What are the most predictable things I would do wrong, and how easily do I fry the whole ECM?
10-25-2009, 10:33 PM
Let me start out by saying thanks for the great write up GatorBuell [up][up]
I just bought a 2007 xb12s (my first ever motorcycle, besides my scooter), and am new here to the site. I had a quick question regarding changes the ve alayzer suggested (hope this is the right spot to post).
Some posts I've read say theres something wrong if it suggests taking more than 2 points off any cell. However, in some cells its taking off upwards of 9 points. Is there something wrong with this? Heres what it looks like:
The bike had an AFR of 95% before I set it to 100 if thats any kind of explanation for it taking off so much fuel?
03-16-2010, 12:23 PM
Quick the ecmspy guide it says that you need to add a percentage of fuel to the front cylinder...and maybe I'm misunderstanding...but Gaterbuell is stating that we only need to add 2-5 fuel points to the front map. Will someone please clear this up for me.
03-24-2010, 02:25 AM
I do the data logging on my MacBook Pro, running ECMSpy in Parallels Desktop. If anyone else wants to do this, I'm having to use a program called InsomniaX to make sure the laptop doesn't go to sleep.
You can download it here (
06-15-2010, 02:55 AM
Hello new Buell owner that desparetly needs copy of ecmspy, i just bought 2000 lightning s3,bike has timing problem can any one send me copy of ecmspy. thanks
[email protected]
06-15-2010, 03:18 AM
Download (
06-15-2010, 08:55 AM
how do you know it has a timing problem? did you check static engine timing?
06-27-2010, 11:26 AM
Just wanted to say Thanks for this easy to use guide to get me started tuning. I spent the weekend dialing in my fuel maps, and am EXTREMELY pleased with where it's at. 2004 XB12R with a Spec Op's pipe, K&N (open airbox)and breather reroute. I have absolutely no more back fire and no more sputtering while crusing. Awesome stuff here. Rep for you GatorBuell[up]
07-06-2010, 03:09 PM
Ok the tunerpro beta for the ddfi1 and 2 for complete datalogging is out. I have the ddfi3 80% done waiting on Mark at tunerpro to do some proofing. this logs everything so you get a great bank of data. plus is set up so you delete one line in the csv export file and it runs in mega log as normal. with this log file it has all data in the logs so its 100% better than ecmspys datalog. your maps will get better 100% faster.
07-06-2010, 03:16 PM
gator btw your tune you sent me works great, but i gotta redo it lol since i polished my heads lol. hittin some dead spots in 4th n 5th wot
07-07-2010, 02:44 AM
Mike, do you have a link for the tunepro, is the info up on your website.
Good deal Flock, Im going to redo mine as soon as I get a 02 bung put on my front header.
07-22-2010, 11:46 AM
Question....When GatorBuell says:
"Do this whole process over and over again until the graph shows your AFV at 100 in both the high and low numbers"
Under the the part 2 section about the AFV tuning. Is he saying that you should repeat the whole part 2 tuning or just keep doing rides with the AFV set to normal and not locked at 100 now that I did it once locked? I did not know if I was suppose to try to keep doing rides with the AFV locked and the open loop off. Then come back do the adjustment and do a ride with it back to normal..then go back to it locked..are you following me? It would make sense to me to keep locking it, but I wanted to make sure.
Oh and BTW this tuning rocks. The bike is already running better than ever and I just started messing around with it :D I am new to the whole Buell world and it is sucking me in like crazy. When I was able to hook up a PC to my Motorcycle my 2 fav hobbies collided. My wife about **** and said I have reached a "new level of nerdyness" LOL
07-22-2010, 02:35 PM
You want to lock everything when your logging for a new map. Then unlock everything and log to see where your at as far as the afr. You will not know if your map is any good unless you log a ride unlocked. If your log and your afr drops to say 87afr your too rich and need to lock everything and log again to get more data for the mega log analyzer. So Yes, keep doing the process until your afr stays around 100 unlocked. It will drop or rise from time to time to adjust to the environment but as long as there are no big swings (say 112afr) your good. [up] Its so simple once you get the hang of it, it becomes addictive chasing that perfect map.
07-24-2010, 05:59 PM
Thanks GatorBuell. That is what I was thinking, but I wanted to confirm.
07-29-2010, 11:55 PM
Have anyone got EEPROM map for `04 buell xb12r, k&n air filter, rt1 jordine?
07-31-2010, 05:54 PM
Anyone on this site live near Eastern Iowa that is fluent in the ways of ECMSPY. Its easier for me to see how something is done than to read it over and over again...Thanks
BTW this has been the best thread i've read on ECMSPY..
08-01-2010, 01:10 AM
thanks gatorbuell i have got my s3 running smooth!! its a little fat but will start the fine tuning now!
08-03-2010, 11:20 AM
before I started following this guide my afr stayed at 99.6 unlocked which is damn near perfect haven't done a ride the **** out of it log yet as I am at work but will do so on the way home and see where I am at thanks Gator makes using ECMspy so much more less intimidating
08-03-2010, 11:34 AM
when i made my 1st mega log file and burn to ecm, it has made the bike run alot better. now i went on to try the second part of tuning, i unlocked the open loop, burned it, when i went to set the delay and afr at 100 for min and max i burned it, on the bottom it said it was reset but the numbers on the page didnt change?? i went for a ride anyway it run great and logged a afr at 100 for min and max on the ride. the 1st log afr went from 81 to 100, so something changed. did i do something wrong,that it didnt changed the numbers or is that bacause its a race ecm? i run the log on mega log and got the new map created, will up load and see what happens in awhile. should i use the stock ecm and flash the race eprom on it? the bike is running 100% better!! thanks for making this easy!
08-03-2010, 05:19 PM
Can anyone tell me why I am getting Zeros if about 3 or 4 of my columns now? I have done several locked rides and analysis. I avg about 3 or 4 zeros when I go to load the maps in ECMSpy. Am I safe to put them back to where they should be or should I trash those logs and start over? I have not been able to get a locked AFV ride with no zeros in the last 3 or 4 rides. It's really getting frustrating. Any ideas...?
08-04-2010, 12:45 PM
Hey guys, just signed up here today. I have been reading tons and trying to solve my problem.
I have a 1999 S3T that I have just picked up this year. When I bought it, it seemed to be running pretty decent, except for a little hesitation when I cracked the throttle hard. Well I asked a couple shops to look at it, but they dont seem to want to deal with fuel injected bikes. The problem has gotten worse... This weekend I took the bike on a little trip and while waiting in line at the border crossing, the bike stalled.I had a hard time keeping it running while trying to advance in line. When I got back on the highway it seemed like it was running ok but then the hesitation was a lot worse. The bike seems like its running on 1 cylinder!
As of yesterday I did all the checks on the injectors.
I tried a test lamp across the injector connectors, front and back both lit up when cranked.
I check the resistance across the injectors, both were right on.
I checked the voltage on the injector connectors and they were both good.
Anybody with any suggestions? I have ecmspy and cable but haven't started to play with that.
08-04-2010, 01:25 PM
code- what do you mean 0's, your fuel map has 0's where numbers used to be..
Devilsreject, That sounds like a spark problem or dirty injectors. I would put a fresh set of plugs and wires on it and run 3oz of Seafoam to a full tank of gas.
08-04-2010, 03:21 PM
Yep. I get a couple zeros each time in the fuel maps. Most are in the high up ranges like the 160's or 170's. I would say I average getting zeros in 3 or 4 fuel map quads in each ride I have been doing lately.
08-04-2010, 03:39 PM
Code, what year is your bike?
08-04-2010, 04:49 PM
i had the same problems i got 0's and then 390's beside it so i junked it and other times i got in top left chart like 0 and 32's. i just junked them and went back to stock maps and started over. what is the difference between a race ecm and stock ecm? besides the rev limiter? oh yeah i my log showed i turned 7759 rpm it pulled like a bitch to it, i havent changed the limiter why would it pull that high?
08-04-2010, 06:04 PM
2004 XB12S
08-05-2010, 06:47 AM
ECMSpy is still very buggy software. Unfortunately, sometimes the EEPROMs it pulls from the ECM can be corrupted, or off by a line or two of hex (which totally throws off the whole thing). Try refetching a couple times, and if that doesn't work go back to stock and restart anew.
You're really better off switching over to ECMRead/TunerPro.
08-05-2010, 07:43 AM
You're really better off switching over to ECMRead/TunerPro. Do I sense a future write-up on the way? ;)
08-05-2010, 01:51 PM
You're really better off switching over to ECMRead/TunerPro.
If I had a better idea on how to use the Tuner Pro I would. I have found a lot of sporadic info, but nothing that goes through it step by step. Also my ECM does not match with any of the .xdf files that you have to use. Not sure where they are getting those numbers. I am not afraid to try as long as I know I have it right.
08-09-2010, 04:06 AM
OK Tuners here is my 1st set of maps and data log that I got a constant 100 AFV on. Question is by taking a look at it should I try a few more logs to get it "perfect" or just stay with what I got? Also working with the timing should I make any adjustments as I haven't messed with anything timing wise with Ecmspy. I can e-mail the log and maps to you for a closer look if you'd like. Just pm me your info.
Front Map
Rear Map
08-09-2010, 07:09 AM does it feel/ride? I think perfect means you are happy with it...nothing less and nothing more. You map looks very similar mine as far as your values go.
I think I finally figured out the best way to attack mine. I am just logging a lot of rides and hitting the RPM ranges where it is flat, boggy or jumpy. After about 6 or 7 sessions where I only tune with Very Hard and only in one 500rpm window I am really liking what I am getting. The bike is running smooth, power delivery is dead on and at a constant RPM the bike is not jumpy. I think my mistake was leaving my ranges wide and megalog was making too many changes at once.
Anyway, that is my 2 cents. Also I went and did the Tuner Pro thing. My thoughts are if I were a professional racer I might make the effort to tune with that. However, I am not and this method is quick/easy and the results are pleasing me.
08-09-2010, 08:04 AM
Ya she pulls like a freight train thru all the gears no real place to get top speed out of her w/o the possibility of running into some po po. She feels good no stumbling at 2500-3k rpms no decel popping. I was locked at 99.6 afv before I started logging so I was close as it was. I've tried Tunerpro and ecmread. No idea what exactly I need to do with Tunerpro I have the bin files and can load em I think but I can't get ecmread to work I have the mono stuff installed and get a "the procedure entry point g_malloc0_n could not be located in the dynamic link library libglib-2,0-0.dll" error anyways I'm happy with how she feels. maybe if I could get another opinion or two lol I might be satisfied lol
08-12-2010, 06:02 AM
another Q once I've got the maps/AFV @ 100 should I turn off open loop learning or leave it on? Currently I have it as off after I got 100% afv. Also should I leave the O2 sensor on or off. Thanks Tuners =P
09-01-2010, 05:41 AM
does anybody have a starting point for me i have an -5 xb12r with a race pipe, K&N and breather re-route. I bought the bike like this and i downloaded a race ecm map into it. I get some pinging under a load does anybody know what would cause that?
Hey guys, I saved my original map to program filesx86/ecmspy/kennfeld but the only thing in there is a dummy file. When I go to open map in ecmspy the file has a lock symbol on it. It opens in ecmspy and says its saved under the kennfeld folder but it doesn't appear when I go to the folder. Also I ran a log but can't find the files from it and have no mega anything folder under ecmspy. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 2006 Ulysses XB12X
Update, the megalog and datalog folders do exist within ecmspy but also have a lock icon you can only view them by going through the load map dialogue box in ecmspy not through my computer/ecmspy and there doesn't seem to be any data from the log in them.
09-26-2010, 11:09 AM
are you using windows 7?
OK, I got everything to run by running ecmspy as administrator but when I go to save the analysis that was run by Megalogviewer it says "error saving msq. file, see log file for details". Any ideas? Thanks
09-27-2010, 01:06 AM
I dont know if this has been posted yet but I have a macbook with bootcamp with windows xp installed. I have no programs on xp just using it for tuning.
I have the xopti usb data cable and did my first couple data logs. From a 15 mile ride I'm missing a bunch of cells in the high rpm area. I noticed that there is a lot of lag between the bike and the computer. Also I get transmission timed out and then it reconnects.
Is this a problem with my macbook and usb cable?
OK, almost there. I tuned my uly with megalogger and burned the new maps. It seems to run smoother but has a hard time starting. Do I need to adjust the cold start enrichment because the only adjustments I made were after the bike reached operating temperature with CSE at 100%? Thanks and sorry for the numerous posts of questions that I finally answered by trial and error.
Ok so it ran awsome for about two days and then start backfiring on takeoff and running rich as hell in cold idle or any idle for that matter. I followed the instructions to a T so I have no idea. Pasted megalogged file to rear cylinder, made front cylinder the same plus two and now the thing will hardly start after two days. I'm going back to the orignal eprom because it actually made the bike move when I let off on the clutch instead of bog down and die. I think I might try flashing a copy of the original ecm with some race data and switching off the active exhaust. If anyone is still looking at this part of the forum I'd love to hear you're feedback even if it's critical.Thanks
As long as you do not remove all log records that are written with acceleration enrichment or deceleration fuel cut active, ve analyzer's results will never be correct. It's also recommended to edit the equations mlv uses to calculate corrections. These include a fake/calculated wb-o2 afr value, which should be removed. Using ego correction only is fully sufficient.
03-01-2011, 02:48 AM
wrong (again) ich....
I run dual bands both pipes.
spot on corrections.
you can do it with ecmspy
ecm momo (2 ways)
Tunerpro rt 3 plus ways (if you do a csv export and change a couple files) then set MLV to use Load for tps. It will then use the accel data and decel data in account and adjust accordingly:D
you can do it with a LM logger as well.
done it every way all are stable. some just do it faster than others to final map needed.
Thats the cold truth... off to go to PC engineering class now...
what bull**** is that (again)?
seems we all are airheads, it's just mr. smartass cobb who's got the insight.
mlv does not use accel and decel, nor warmup. that's why the engine byte is there in megalog. feel free to ask phil. i did, i know. you just proved you didn't.
i'm in this business for too long now and i can easily see through you. you do not have the slightest clue of what you are blabbering. barfing up fragments that shall appear knowing, but what comes up is puke only.
03-02-2011, 07:46 PM
They are for filtering purposes... so it does use them but to tell it to ignore the data in that area... see link above.
old ecmspy didn't record any of these remember. mono does and so does Tunerpro Rt with the correct adx.
03-03-2011, 01:09 AM
Sorry to interrupt your most interesting and valuable discussion, but it seems to me, some clarification is required.
MLV evalutates Gego to calculate map adjustments. Gego is ego correction in "pure" megalog (as written by Megatune), and is either ego correction or AFV (depending wich area is active) in all EcmSpy versions. The engine byte although is present only in the Palm PDA version or the Mono version of EcmSpy (or, more generally, where binary log data are stored and converted to csv later).
Acceleration fuel enrichment or deceleration fuel cut is not added to Gego (which will be AFV under these conditions). But as the amount of fuel changes as soon as one of these corrections is applied and as none of them is reflected in gego, these records must be skipped in VE analysis. This is especially required if the default MLV adjustment term (that factors a "fake" WB-O2 AFR derived from NB-O2 sensor voltage into the cell adjustment formula) is not changed or a wideband sensor is used. In accel condition the (fake or actual) AFR correctly indicates a rich mixture (or a lean mixture during decel), which MLV will try to hold up by adjusting the fuel map, although the map has no effect on the actual mixture at this point, which is fully controlled by accel enrichment instead. In decel conditions a second problem appears: due to fuel reductions mixture might get below ignition limit, and in sequence lead to an invalid "very lean" misreading of the O2 sensor.
MegaSquirt-I firmware sends a block of data when triggered, which is explained here:
A part of special interest is the output channels definition as shown below:
; The number of bytes MegaTune should expect as a result
; of sending the "A" command to MegaSquirt is determined
; by the value of ochBlockSize, so be very careful when
; you change it.
deadValue = { 0 } ; Convenient unchanging value.
ochBlockSize = 22
secl = scalar, U08, 0, "sec", 1.000, 0.000
squirt = scalar, U08, 1, "bits", 1.000, 0.000
engine = scalar, U08, 2, "bits", 1.000, 0.000
baroADC = scalar, U08, 3, "ADC", 1.000, 0.000
mapADC = scalar, U08, 4, "ADC", 1.000, 0.000
matADC = scalar, U08, 5, "ADC", 1.000, 0.000
cltADC = scalar, U08, 6, "ADC", 1.000, 0.000
tpsADC = scalar, U08, 7, "ADC", 1.000, 0.000
batADC = scalar, U08, 8, "ADC", 1.000, 0.000
egoADC = scalar, U08, 9, "ADC", 1.000, 0.000
egoCorrection = scalar, U08, 10, "%", 1.000, 0.000
airCorrection = scalar, U08, 11, "%", 1.000, 0.000
warmupEnrich = scalar, U08, 12, "%", 1.000, 0.000
rpm100 = scalar, U08, 13, "r100", 1.000, 0.000
pulseWidth = scalar, U08, 14, "ms", 0.100, 0.000
accelEnrich = scalar, U08, 15, "%", 1.000, 0.000
baroCorrection = scalar, U08, 16, "%", 1.000, 0.000
gammaEnrich = scalar, U08, 17, "%", 1.000, 0.000
veCurr = scalar, U08, 18, "%", 1.000, 0.000
blank1 = scalar, U08, 19 ; Raw inputs, as they come from MS.
blank2 = scalar, U08, 20
blank3 = scalar, U08, 21
At offset 3 an "engine" byte is emitted, which reflects the various engine states (cranking, starting, warmup, running, accel, decel). How this byte is set up is documented in the Megasquirt firmware itself, available here:
The engine byte is used by MLV to identify and then skip data records invalid for VE analysis, because of the reasons mentioned above. The meaning of the engine byte is also shown in the lower right of the MLV window, as shown in this screenshot:
If this bar does not appear, then the engine byte is not present in the log, accel/decel conditions will not be recognized by the MLV software and fuel map adjustments will calculated incorrectly.
So far the good news. Now the bad news: accel and decel as signalled in ECM runtime data does not necessarily cover the full period they are active. So instead of using simply the "accel (decel) active" bit, we have to use the actual correction that gets applied. Depending on the threshold, this procedure might widen the gap that's created by MLV skipping records, and decreases the number of records evaluated for VE analysis. X-tau effects, if taken into account at all by the DDFI firmware, remain completely unwatched too.
cheers for explanation. how is the byte set up, if there's no flag available in ecm output?
03-03-2011, 05:23 AM
And from Phil when he looked at the Datalog I sent directly to him.
so you dont think I wrote it ask Phil yourself...
I sent a tunerpro complete data break down and a for Mono mls log for him to view and he sent back this. which is what Gunter said it is using it...
This is what he replied below:
"Hi Mike,
MLV uses the bits of the Engine field to determine if Accel or Decel is active and will filter those. My first thought was that your logs are probably not setting the bits of that field, but in the log you sent it looks like they are set. I'm not sure if they are being set to the same mapping though. So if they are, it would be filtering. I would hope so, or it would be filtering good records.
Alternatively a custom filter could be set up."
Thanks for a very clear post Gunter thats better than I would have explained it.
03-03-2011, 06:47 AM
how is the byte set up, if there's no flag available in ecm output?
Whenever possible we try to make use of the flags, as Megatune would do. DDFI doesn't flag cranking, ASE and warmup. Cranking is calculated from rpm, threshold is about 600 rpm IIRC. ASE is ignored, we use warmup instead. Warmup gets off if WUE is below 102.0%, which seems a bit high for me, but might be okay. Running is triggered by a flag, as is decel. Accel is set according to the flag or if accel correction is above 100%.
03-15-2011, 06:27 AM
so i did my first megalog a few days ago. i really liked it and it was super easy. thanks to the writeup.
my one question is do i have to do part 2?? i really like part one with the new map can i just leave it at that?
06-01-2011, 04:48 PM
Are Tunerpro RT and Ecm Spy pretty similar? I have an 09 and will have to learn how to use Tunerpro
06-02-2011, 04:30 AM
Short answer is no. Here's a fast-track if you want some support: Tunerpro Tuning Sessions. (
06-08-2011, 07:15 AM
Anyone know how to get the column headers to go in order and not be all out of whack using tunerpro rt5?
06-08-2011, 08:12 AM
Are you using the correct XDF and ADX files?
06-08-2011, 08:29 AM
Im using the ECM type that I got from ECM read which was buezd and ddfi3 for my 09 bike the headers on the column starts at 8k then 7k 6k 5k 4400 3900 3400 etc
06-08-2011, 08:48 AM
So they're not all out of whack, they're just backwards....
You can reverse columns in the preferences menu.
06-08-2011, 09:07 AM
Well the RPM numbers are different... for example Ill have 1150 in the stock map and 1200 in the datalog table they are all like 50 to 100 away but none really match up
06-08-2011, 09:12 AM
06-08-2011, 10:47 AM
The history table is the one that is incorrect.
06-11-2011, 08:53 AM
I like it!
06-12-2011, 06:07 PM
I'm having trouble maintaining a connection with my bike while datalogging it loses it connection really fast. The USB connection on the computer kind of wiggle and I'm sure thats whats causing it. Any ideas to keep it secure while datalogging? Right now I'm using a backpack with a hole cut in the bottom for the cord to come out of. How do you guys keep your laptops on your ride?
06-12-2011, 07:52 PM
add a egt sensor and feed it to the open pin on the ecm to collect data for you. this can be done in Tunerpro and ecmspy.
you can also run widebands directly yo open line on the ecm to record the wb data for fuel alalisis as well as nb data.
set your read count low something like 25 or less.
If your on Tunerpro go to my software page and get the MSQ maker for tunerpro. and look at the video's on youtube. search tunerpro buell I have three there.(see dates) this has been done a long while ago.
Now you have it all..
And Good Job Gator you have come a long way...
06-24-2011, 06:11 PM
I have all the pieces....Windows 7 mind you. I press the disk button to record and no files show up in the megalog folder after the ride? Help??
06-26-2011, 05:51 PM
I have all the pieces....Windows 7 mind you. I press the disk button to record and no files show up in the megalog folder after the ride? Help??
Install ECM spy to a directory other than program files. I installed mine to my desktop. Windows 7 has some controls with prevent ECMspy from generating new files when it's in program files.
I think someone else mentioned the files might be in the appdata folder, but I just found it easier to install it to a different location (my desktop)
Hope this helps.
06-30-2011, 04:28 PM
I have Windows 7 64-bit. ECMSpy was installed into Program Files(x86) and it creates logs just fine.
I had some other issues with recording logs on my laptop. Every time I closed the lid, the laptop would stay running like I set it to, but when I moved it the hard drive would lock and it would stop recording all data until I opened the lid again. I could not figure out how to stop the hard drive lock. Luckily, my laptop is a tablet so I was able to just fold the screen down in tablet mode and it kept recording data while in motion.
06-30-2011, 05:33 PM
I think I'm having the same problem as you blaylock... Except mine is not a tablet... I thought my usb cable was just coming loose but your reason makes more sense.. any advice to fix a non tablet to keep recording?
07-01-2011, 06:15 AM
A lot of laptops have motion sensors that temporarily stop hard drive these days. This results in a log that stops and starts and has errors in it. The name for this protective mechanism varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, unfortunately. The control panel is where this feature can be turned off. Do it at your own risk, though. Vibration and rapid movement while writing to a hard drive can be a recipe for big time problems and loss of all data. I've never encountered this, but backing up any and all important files is a good idea if you're going to disable this protection.
07-01-2011, 10:55 AM
I am pretty good with computers and I could not figure out how to turn the motion protection off. The thing is, I can move my computer around while the lid is open and it's fine, but if I even bump the computer a tiny bit with the lid closed, the HDD LED goes from blinking white to solid orange, indicating that the hard drive is docked and locked.
Luckly my laptop is covered by my personal articles policy with my auto insurance. So if it is damaged or broken for any reason, even while riding my motorcycle, EVEN if it is MY fault, it is still covered, and only $3 a month with State Farm.
It is too bad that the ECMSpy writes directly to the hard drive. It would be better if it kept the file in RAM until you click the stop recording button.
07-01-2011, 11:05 AM
Sandisk SSD ? (
07-01-2011, 11:53 AM
Haha, yeah an SSD would do the trick.
In Megalog, what is the difference between the different cell change difficulties?
08-05-2011, 06:32 AM
Have to say it IS time consuming but very rewarding! Bike runs after 4 times logging allready much smoother, ore should i say crispier.
Great write-up and credits to the writer
08-11-2011, 02:41 AM
I have a question for the experts...
I followed each step but I get some errors
Let's start with the fact that I have uploaded the race fuel map into my eeprom, went for a test ride and checked that everything was ok.
Than connected the laptop to the bike and went again for a ride but this time with Ecmspy logged in in order to get real data, after let's say 20-30 minutes of riding taking care to use all the gears and at different rmp I decided to ride back home.
Than next step I run the file I got from Ecmspy into Megalog, following the instruction for the setting and run the analyzer, got the new map with some new value, made same changes and save the new map.
Now here comes the problem when I upload the new map into EcmSpy and I check the map I have strange values with zero and low values all over the map in different position.
I did 2 different test and got different results using the same starting file ....
Anybody had same problem? ever got such result?
Some pictures:
Map before
Map after 1 test
Map after 2 test
Megalog settings
Ecmspy settings
08-30-2011, 01:40 PM
Can anyone point me in the right direction for a copy of megalog viewer? When i go to their website the only one available is the 2.99 and doesn't seem to be the same as what everyone else is using? It won't let you open MSQ files?
I am new to this...just received my cord today, reset my TPS, and want to tune my bike but I can't seem to get megalog viewer working.
08-30-2011, 02:13 PM
Okay, nevermind.... I figured it out. I need to open the log file first....
09-12-2011, 11:44 AM
I have been doing some tuning over the last week. This is my first time doing this. I bought my 2006 Xb12Ss a couple months ago, and it came with a Jardine Exhaust. (No air mods) and i thought I would tune it to eliminate the back firing. Anyways I did a couple logs and changes them in Megatuner with VE Analyser, and burned them to the ECM. Everything worked great, the bike started running better. I then moved on to step 2, and unchecked the open loop, changed the open loop inrich delay to zero, and changed the AFV range to 100 on both sides. I did this a couple times as the instructions, and again everything seemed to be working better. The last time I was out when I was logging my bike started acting funny. It will start jerking and the RPM guage will be jumping all over the place, then the bike will die. I will have to load my original map and put back all the settings to the original, then the bike will work fine again. I have tried this twice now and it always ends in the same on the side of the road trying to get the bike started. It doesn't matter what map I put back on the bike, it doesn't seem to work until I put back the open loop learn, open loop enrichment delay, and AFV range.
Has anyone else had this problem? I really want to tune my bike but this is really becoming an issue....
Please help
09-12-2011, 11:55 AM
I can't speak to tuning with ECMSpy, as it's distribution is no longer allowed.
With that said, I have not experienced this same result with TunerPro. This is not to say that it wouldn't occur, only that I have yet to see it in the 20-30 bikes I have tuned. Perhaps you should flash back to stock, move to TunerPro, and try again?
09-14-2011, 09:12 PM
alright, so i have been following this tune guide closer then the amish to the old word. i cannot get a good tune out of it, i've taken countless test rides and data aquisition rides and it goes totally bonkers with the ve adjusting.. and the maps it's giving me are weird. i wouldn't say anything and keep tuning, but today megalog wouldn't allow me to load my most recent msq. this is kicking my ass. i'm trying to get this knocked out before the first snow flies. which is pretty much at the end of this month. anyone have any good tunes for a gutted pipe? xb9r? i would love to just see the front and rear maps and i can take the time to change my numbers over. the buell race maps run rich as heck on my bike.
01-17-2012, 09:21 AM
a quick question to be sure that i dont mess up my maps , "When you return from your ride, run the VE analyzer and make the change to your map. You will probably get a lot of red numbers but thats ok megalog is just trying to get stoich "
does this mean that i should return the red values back to the original ones or should i just leave them red and save the map?
thanks for the help
01-17-2012, 03:31 PM
Red means that they have been changed. Scroll over them to see how much they have changed from the original map. I think one of the guides I read said anything within 15 is probably safe. Just look for anything out of the ordinary - large changes with no other changes around that entry.
04-20-2012, 09:58 AM
Thanks for this guide!! I just did maps for my S3 based off a 15 minute log. I had been getting a head temp sensor alarm (not anymore -get to that shortly)but figured I'd give it a shot just to get the process down. I'm running a race air cleaner setup & a supertrapp w/21 discs & race ecm mapping. My AFV was routinely in the 116 range & the bike felt anemic below 4500rpm.
Recently, as the temps warmed up in my neck of the woods, I'd get what seemed to be a rev limit spark cutout occasionally. Especially after stopping or real slow riding. It would fart & pop, too like a lean condition (which it was). Then, this week it got worse & started throwing a eng. temp sensor short to supply voltage alarm. I ordered a new sensor & socket & went for a short datalogging ride. After I was done, I came back & looked at this guide then played around in megalogviewer & made new maps. I figured what the hell, bikes messed up anyway, I'll load them in & give it a shot.
Well, I can't believe the difference it made. The bike pulls really well from 3000 straight to redline! No slingshot effect at 4500 anymore, either. It feels like a completely different bike & I love it! It's the bike I wanted. The AFV is around 105 now & I think the map needs fattening up in the lower rpms. I'm going to ride & log a bit, make new maps, see what that does & proceed to step 2.
Again, thanks for posting this guide, it helped immensely!!
04-24-2012, 03:34 PM
So I think I loaded a race map. I did the cut and paste method. How do I tell if I actually did it right. The bike feels more responsive but I don't know if my mind is playing tricks on me. Also, I have windows 7 and I tried the logging but I didn't see the maps files in the Program files/kennfeld. There was a dummy file. I am sorry for all the questions. I have read this whole thread and I didn't understand it all.
04-24-2012, 04:54 PM
Crescent -Can you give a bit more info as to how you loaded the race maps? Did you first pull a copy of your eeprom & save it in a safe place?
As for the logging problem, you need to look in the megalog folder. If you don't see that folder, re-install ecmspy to your desktop. On my windows 7 machine, it was installed into the x86 directory & I could not access the megalog folder.
05-05-2012, 02:26 PM
I fetched maps from my bike first time now and they looked like this.
How is it possible that there is so much difference between the cylinders? And the front cylinder is leaner. If I make the fuel maps match each other, should I make timing maps match too? There is kinda big difference too in some rpms. Bike is xb9s -06 with race ecm, jardin, k&n and breather re-route.
08-10-2012, 08:42 PM
I know this is a bad place to ask this question because you guys really like to take full control of you the running, but I was wondering... why couldn't I just flash one of your maps to my bike's computer? Or a generic race map. Is every bike just too different? I apologize if my post is out of place. I'm new to this site as this is my first post. But I've have my 2009 xb12scg for 2 years now and I've admired the moding you guys have been doing for a while. I'm trying to learn... it's just alot to wrap my head around. Is there a post that properly explains what kind of basic mods would be good to get a good performance increase out of a stock bike?
Mark XB12r
09-04-2012, 01:57 PM
Hey FNG! hahaha! thats you new guy... Its done all the time... If you have a race map then have at it. What this thread is meant to teach is how to get that perfect tune for the particular, intake, exhaust, spark plugs, and whatnots and soooooforth...
10-01-2012, 08:25 AM
Ok - as a highly mechanically inclined individual I thank you and curse you ! Kinda like thanking the "crack man " I guess.
I have nt started with the logging and tuning yet, for fear of becoming addicted. Great info definitely plan to start once I decifer all this Greek. I am hoping once I download ecmspy I will understand the terms better and grasp what this is all about. Thanks for a starting point .
11-29-2012, 12:55 PM
Need some help. Running MacBook Pro with Parrelles and windows XP. ECMSPY is the only program i'm using windows for. I can get it up and running and talking with the bike just fine. I did the TPS reset I think and moved on to the AFV reset I noticed something. When I hit TPS reset or AFV set the closed loop window closes and the keys button doesn't stay depressed. What is going on? If its not doing the TPS reset that would explain why my bike has been running like crap since I started this!!
How do you keep the keys depressed? Please help!
11-29-2012, 05:16 PM
Update. Installed windows 7 on a new vitrual machine. Does the exact same thing. I can get it to read the bike, throttle blips show up, can dial the TPS up and down with the throttle screw, download EEPROMS and fuel maps etc. But when I hit the TPS reset or the AFV set it turns off the little window and the keys button pops up. No change to the AFV or the cold start enrichment numbers.
11-29-2012, 06:22 PM
Try starting a new thread might get more looks.
04-02-2013, 04:51 AM
Hi all,
I've got an '02 x1 that I'm preparing to tune – I've followed the guide that Gator put together here (, and have set my static timing and reset my TPS.
My question is: do I add 2-3 points from my rear to my front maps for a tuber? I know that's true for newer Buells, but I've also heard some say you add 5% or 10% for tubers, not to mention the stock difference between front/rear on tubers seems to be higher than 2-3.
Feedback appreciated!
do I add 2-3 points from my rear to my front maps for a tuber?
that is nonsense.
I know that's true for newer Buells
no, not true. that's just the usual internet bull****.
but I've also heard some say
stop listening to blockheads. read the tuning guide v2:
04-18-2013, 04:32 PM
I know this has been asked but I saw no answer : when I go to save the analysis that was run by Megalogviewer it says "error saving msq. file, see log file for details". I have windows 8 if that matters... THANKS!
04-18-2013, 04:42 PM
disregard the last post. I had to run megalog viewer as admin.. :D
04-22-2013, 02:02 PM
so I loaded my first new map made with megalog. followed everything to a T. bike runs better no popping but when coming to a stop the bike stays at 2000 rpms for way too long. some times it returns to idle sometimes it says a 2000rpms. any ideas?
05-01-2013, 01:43 PM
Thanks for this guide, I've been loosely following it with my Buell and it's been improving the ride every time. Got a question for you guys - how many iterations of the log/analyze/adjust routine should you expect to do before you get it to where the AFV doesn't creep very far?
I posted about my experiences on my blog - I've been using a spreadsheet I set up to help me analyze the tables after the VE Analyzer is done with them, I figure it might be of use to some folks - here's the link to the post ...
And a screenshot of the spreadsheet:
I am confused and concerned about the front/rear map disparity. The tuning guide says you can reduce fuel in the front for more fuel economy because it gets more cooling air on that cylinder, but gatorbuell says you need more fuel in the front jug because of increased airflow into the chamber in the front. My stock rear maps seem to be significantly more rich than the front and I would presume that is due to trying to keep it cooler.
Does anyone on here have some solid data to base which way to fuel the front?
05-09-2013, 08:34 AM
I'm no expert but I'd expect the rear cylinder to have more fueling to try to cool the cylinder due to it being shrouded. I don't understand when you say the front cylinder had increased airflow??? Both cylinders draw are identically from the throttle body.
I'm aware of that, I was just regurgitating something gatorbuell said in his first post in this thread.
07-12-2013, 07:42 AM
Need a little help. I recently loaded ECMspy and Megalog onto a different laptop. It is creating the logs with no issues but when I run VE analyze it is telling me (for example): 1 out of 603 logs read. 99% of logs filtered. And basically has no useful information. I did not have this issue when logging with this laptop. I have logged exactly the same way with this laptop without issue. Any ideas on what is going on?
07-12-2013, 08:01 AM
Check out the parameters you have set for the filter on the VE analyzer... Something somewhere in there is making it filter everything normal out...
07-12-2013, 09:17 AM
This is what it is telling me:
Never had this issue before and not sure how to fix it. I changed parameter for filter and still no bueno.
07-12-2013, 09:41 AM
And just for the record. I have the filter set to off in VE Analyzer.
07-18-2013, 11:31 AM
Wanted to update. Updated Megalog and it fixed the filer issue.
Scott 454
07-18-2013, 06:17 PM
Been looking for this program. Thanks all.
07-31-2013, 04:05 PM
Gettin ready to use ECMspy, just waiting on the cable. But I've been doing some reading on there website. And believe I have to do process 2. But I mostly just want to do a tps reset. Then go from there.
My question is when it asks if I have, standard control. Are they referring to my ECM, stock or race? I have a race and don't know if I should put the stock back in.
Sorry if this was the wrong thread to post this, I just searched ECMspy and seen this was the most current.
04 xb12s
Thanx, DiRT
08-12-2013, 01:50 PM
Brilliant tutorial, hats off to the author.
i've a question regarding step one. After you've ran the ve analyzer it says "If I had any numbers go red I put them back to the original numbers for now"
why is this?
I take it that its reducing pulse width, why is that bad?
09-22-2013, 11:34 PM
ok, heres another question. After I datalog I've read in the Buell tuning guide that I need to change the values AFV to Afr, EGO Corr. to Gego, and EGO Volt. to O2. Only problem is there is no EGO Volt in my sheet? What's up with that? Did some things change since tuning guide was written. I've noticed there are Gego and 02 lines already in there. Also this thread says nothing about it? Do we no longer need to change these values?
09-26-2013, 05:58 PM
Doe this procedure work on 09 xb12r models sry for the noob question its just im fixing to buy this and order cable so I can tune myself because I can't find no one that will do it im lil nervous but I guess I got no choice :(
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