when i made my 1st mega log file and burn to ecm, it has made the bike run alot better. now i went on to try the second part of tuning, i unlocked the open loop, burned it, when i went to set the delay and afr at 100 for min and max i burned it, on the bottom it said it was reset but the numbers on the page didnt change?? i went for a ride anyway it run great and logged a afr at 100 for min and max on the ride. the 1st log afr went from 81 to 100, so something changed. did i do something wrong,that it didnt changed the numbers or is that bacause its a race ecm? i run the log on mega log and got the new map created, will up load and see what happens in awhile. should i use the stock ecm and flash the race eprom on it? the bike is running 100% better!! thanks for making this easy!