Just sitting here reflecting a little tonight. I've had MANY different bikes over the years. I still do. Two Hondas, a Kawi, a Yami, a BMW project, a Chinese no-name, and the XB9SX that I have today. It was close to 20 years ago that I became interested in Buell. I didn't have a motorcycle at the time, BUT I did have a scooter, specifically a Honda Ruckus. No, I didn't have a DUI, lol. I was a Honda guy... multiple CRX's and Civics along the years, and an S2K today. When I saw my first Ruckus, I had to have one. I live "Up the Country" as Canned Heat sang, and it was, and still is, a blast running the back roads on a scooter. 100mpg is an awesome thing. I rode it here locally and into Winston-Salem many times.
I had discovered Buell bikes online and become fascinated with the bike, and Erik, and all of his innovations. I live in a small town called King, NC and had never seen a Buell. One day riding my Ruckus through town, out running errands, I spotted a bike up ahead that looked a little different. I realized it was a Buell and got really excited, lol. But there was a problem... I'm on a 50cc Honda. No way to catch up, lol. I wondered if this was someone here locally. He was gone out of site pretty quick, but now I had SEEN one in the flesh, and I began to keep a look out for that bike. A couple of months go by and I'm out early on Saturday morning going through town on the Ruckus, and up ahead I see the Buell heading towards me. He turns into the post office and I ripped the throttle WIDE OPEN on the Ruckus, lol, in order to go down and do a U-turn to go back to the post office. Yes, there's a cement island between the lanes that goes through town here. I made it back and turned in the lot just as he was coming back out the front door. I rolled up next to him and he probably thought I was CRAZY! I opened my face shield and boldly proclaimed, "HEY THAT'S A BUELL!" He smiled biggly and said, "Yes it is." We had a GREAT convo. He was working here in town. He told me his pros and cons. I sat there and watched and LISTENED as he rode off. I was HOOKED.
I read, learned, viewed, and hunted over the next few years, but didn't pull the trigger. Then 2009 happened. HD pulls the rug out from under Erik and they slashed the prices at the dealerships. I was fortunate enough to land a brand new XB12SS for an OTD of $6400. What a day that was picking up that bike! I grinned for 6 months! (pic below) I luved it!
I wish I could tell you I kept that bike and still have it, but unfortunately I can't. I rode it for four years and decided to sell it. It only took a couple of months to realize what an idiot I was, and the mistake I had made. This is a pic not to far from my house right after I got the bike.
I bought and rode several different bikes over the next few years. I enjoyed them all, but nothing scratched that itch.
So now the hunt was on again.
I've never been an impulse shopper. In fact, I'm the antithesis of that. I'm a deal hunter. I watched Craigslist over the next couple of years till that deal showed up. I drove down to Ft. Bragg and bought my current Buell, a 2009 Cherry Bomb CityX. She's been a blast. A new fuel pump a couple years back along with new tires, a Buell race pipe and ECM flash, LED headlights and turn signals. AND one of the biggest things is... she scratches that itch!
MUCH THANKS for all the help and guidance here in the group when issues arise. I feel like Linus and this place is my blanket, lol. Thanks for reading. Keep the rubber side down, and smile!
I had discovered Buell bikes online and become fascinated with the bike, and Erik, and all of his innovations. I live in a small town called King, NC and had never seen a Buell. One day riding my Ruckus through town, out running errands, I spotted a bike up ahead that looked a little different. I realized it was a Buell and got really excited, lol. But there was a problem... I'm on a 50cc Honda. No way to catch up, lol. I wondered if this was someone here locally. He was gone out of site pretty quick, but now I had SEEN one in the flesh, and I began to keep a look out for that bike. A couple of months go by and I'm out early on Saturday morning going through town on the Ruckus, and up ahead I see the Buell heading towards me. He turns into the post office and I ripped the throttle WIDE OPEN on the Ruckus, lol, in order to go down and do a U-turn to go back to the post office. Yes, there's a cement island between the lanes that goes through town here. I made it back and turned in the lot just as he was coming back out the front door. I rolled up next to him and he probably thought I was CRAZY! I opened my face shield and boldly proclaimed, "HEY THAT'S A BUELL!" He smiled biggly and said, "Yes it is." We had a GREAT convo. He was working here in town. He told me his pros and cons. I sat there and watched and LISTENED as he rode off. I was HOOKED.
I read, learned, viewed, and hunted over the next few years, but didn't pull the trigger. Then 2009 happened. HD pulls the rug out from under Erik and they slashed the prices at the dealerships. I was fortunate enough to land a brand new XB12SS for an OTD of $6400. What a day that was picking up that bike! I grinned for 6 months! (pic below) I luved it!
I wish I could tell you I kept that bike and still have it, but unfortunately I can't. I rode it for four years and decided to sell it. It only took a couple of months to realize what an idiot I was, and the mistake I had made. This is a pic not to far from my house right after I got the bike.
I bought and rode several different bikes over the next few years. I enjoyed them all, but nothing scratched that itch.
So now the hunt was on again.
I've never been an impulse shopper. In fact, I'm the antithesis of that. I'm a deal hunter. I watched Craigslist over the next couple of years till that deal showed up. I drove down to Ft. Bragg and bought my current Buell, a 2009 Cherry Bomb CityX. She's been a blast. A new fuel pump a couple years back along with new tires, a Buell race pipe and ECM flash, LED headlights and turn signals. AND one of the biggest things is... she scratches that itch!
MUCH THANKS for all the help and guidance here in the group when issues arise. I feel like Linus and this place is my blanket, lol. Thanks for reading. Keep the rubber side down, and smile!