Some oddities in logs print screen

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2019

for anybody interested I attach a file as for title.
I saw a lot more, but for the moment they are may be enough to justify some whimsicals of my mechanically sound otherwise loved Bike.
European 2009 XB 12 Ss, supposedly stock EEPROM, but not fully sure.
Just last print (blue one) should be with an 'in test' Drummer ss one.
With my fully respect for everybody I don't think at all my Bike should be like this just because 'she is a Buell'.
Off course print screens are just that, If anybody interested in some of my *.msl files, or my EEPROM, not any problem to share, just PM me.

Best thinghs



  • Oddities in logs.pdf
    1.8 MB
I saw the problem right away:cool:

You are a robot who lives in a hermetically sealed computer, somewhere near planet Aspergers, only seeing 1's and 0's... but the bike you have lives here with the rest of us on planet Earth (The pretty blue one, near the sun:love_heart:). You should come back to this planet, it's really nice here!:D

Allow me to explain:

Here on the planet of Earth it is a bit different from the ether of OCD perfection you live in. On this planet, we have mis-fires, carbon build-up, dirt, bugs, corrosion, and sometimes even stubborn electrons*. All those things are attracted to shaky, 10 year old, mechanical machinery, like yoga pants are attracted to anything pumpkin pie spice at Starbucks in October.

The people who designed your machine way back then, also live here on Earth, and knew about all that stuff (called variables (1)). They put in a whole bunch of special electron things in it that allow your lumbering beast to eat the liquid dinosaur bones to produce noise and fun, even if there is some of those variables:eek:.

As long as the tiny electrons are working hard to let your metal horse to produce it's noise and fun, I would trust them do their job and enjoy(2) their hard work in the form of (3)riding your Buell.

*Electrons are very orderly because we have an Electron Empire that will follow any path you make. But there's always a few stubborn ones (The Resistance):mad-new: The Resistance are lazy, wasteful little suckers that need to be wiped out completely because The Resistance will follow any easiest route they can find:upset: Sometimes when The Electron Empire tries to get our Order complete, they get in our way. If there is enough of The Resistance you can see our hot, smokey, battles that can destroy everything around us:hororr:

(1) var·i·a·ble
Learn to pronounce
plural noun: variables
an element, feature, or factor that is liable to vary or change.
a quantity which during a calculation is assumed to vary or be capable of varying in value.
a Buell had a mis-fire and freaked out one guy.
a data item that may take on more than one value during the runtime of a program.

Learn to pronounce
take delight or pleasure in (an activity or occasion).
"osvaldo enjoys staring at computer screens"
synonyms: like, love, be fond of, be entertained by, be amused by, be pleased by, find/take pleasure in, be keen on, delight in, appreciate, rejoice in, relish, revel in, adore, lap up, savor, luxuriate in, bask in, wallow in, glory in;

(3)What is motorcycle riding?
A motorcycle, often called a bike, motorbike, or cycle, is a two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle. Motorcycle design varies greatly to suit a range of different purposes: long distance travel, commuting, cruising, sport including racing, and off-road riding. The best ones are called "Buell's"

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Hi Cooter,

it took me really a lot of time to decide how to answer you and thinking about what I will get doing it.
Probably too much.
Anyway, it's like this.
I would love to discuss about

On this planet, we have mis-fires, carbon build-up, dirt, bugs, corrosion, and sometimes even stubborn electrons*
because here, on our planet, we spent our live dealing with the same and much more, but I am afraid you will take it as joke and we will lose our goal.

The people who designed your machine way back then, also live here on Earth, and knew about all that stuff (called variables (1)). They put in a whole bunch of special electron things in it that allow your lumbering beast to eat the liquid dinosaur bones to produce noise and fun, even if there is some of those variables.

and, I presume, they asked themselves much more questions than what it seems you consider wise to do

Ok, to short down the answer, let's stop with this:
IMHO it seems that on your planet the range of opinion on how a Biker should behave is going everyday tighter to just one.
Unfortunately this is going true also on how a Man should behave.
Here, we are a bit more liberal, we use to laugh for different matters.

No doubts, you are the winner, numbers say so... and multinational corporations as well...:encouragement:
" The Resistance are lazy, wasteful little suckers that need to be wiped out completely because The Resistance will follow any easiest route they can find "
Hey, I resemble that statement, we the resistance, work with the force against the dark side of the force namely, evil mighty electron empire.
why are you here?

Hi lunaticfringe,

funny video, thanks; it seems you are clever enough to catch what I think about some rules. 1 point for you

I am here because some of the member seems, as myself, to like to improve their knowledge and to share what they find.
Is that hurting you in some way?
Should I stop to write on the forum (tell me) or maybe you can just ignore me as could do anybody else hating my question or observations?
At the moment I think I have not been in any way offensive to anybody, so, if possible I would be happy in the second case.
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" The Resistance are lazy, wasteful little suckers that need to be wiped out completely because The Resistance will follow any easiest route they can find "
Hey, I resemble that statement, we the resistance, work with the force against the dark side of the force namely, evil mighty electron empire.

Sorry, too difficult for my poor English. It did not help.
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File this under the category of "If you have to ask .... you probably should leave it to the professionals".

Cooter can provide you with the contact info of IDS.

Hi 34nineteen

thanks to share with me your interesting and respected opinion; mine is different but so is the world.
Maybe differences are coming from the fact that you should know less than myself on who and what I am.
Just few very timid posts, not enough.
Cooter is an helpful guy, but in this case I already got a few contacts with Tim from IDS, kindly asking what he can do for me.
I had a nice answer.:)
Hi 34nineteen

thanks to share with me your interesting and respected opinion; mine is different but so is the world.
Maybe differences are coming from the fact that you should know less than myself on who and what I am.
Just few very timid posts, not enough.
Cooter is an helpful guy, but in this case I already got a few contacts with Tim from IDS, kindly asking what he can do for me.
I had a nice answer.:)

If we know less than you, why are you asking us? Obviously you are someone special.
osvaldo, I respect your desire to learn and you are not treating anyone badly.

I poked a little fun at you because your question is about fuel injection theory, for theorists, not mechanics on the web. Because your question has nothing to do with repairing any problem because you don't have a problem.

Ride the bike, enjoy the bike, it's fine :angel:
why are you here?

Why are you here?
To humiliate and disrespect people who are trying to learn?
If you have nothing to contribute, other then snarky comments, then why bother?

To mods, why is this person allowed to continually post disrespectful nonsense?
Fellas, are we bowling tonight? Lanes booked, balls polished... let’s go!
Just seems that some lunatic's posts are disappearing after some hour they are on line.
I'm taking his defense...why are we censoring this poor guy?
Has he not the right to show his funny personality?
Never have I seen such a cry baby. Grow some thick skin! We all poke fun at one another once in awhile but to try and get him kicked off is f- ed up. Long live the geezer!!! Lol!! Screw it kick him off!!!!!!!
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