I saw the problem right away
You are a robot who lives in a hermetically sealed computer, somewhere near planet Aspergers, only seeing 1's and 0's... but the bike you have lives here with the rest of us on planet Earth (The pretty blue one, near the sun:love_heart
. You should come back to this planet, it's really nice here!
Allow me to explain:
Here on the planet of Earth it is a bit different from the ether of OCD perfection you live in. On this planet, we have mis-fires, carbon build-up, dirt, bugs, corrosion, and sometimes even stubborn electrons*. All those things are attracted to shaky, 10 year old, mechanical machinery, like yoga pants are attracted to anything pumpkin pie spice at Starbucks in October.
The people who designed your machine way back then, also live here on Earth, and
knew about all that stuff (called
variables (1)). They put in a whole bunch of special electron things in it that allow your lumbering beast to eat the liquid dinosaur bones to produce noise and fun, even if there is some of those
As long as the tiny electrons are working hard to let your metal horse to produce it's noise and fun, I would trust them do their job and enjoy(2) their hard work in the form of (3)riding your Buell.
*Electrons are very orderly because we have an Electron Empire that will follow any path you make. But there's always a few stubborn ones (The Resistance):mad-new: The Resistance are lazy, wasteful little suckers that need to be wiped out completely because The Resistance will follow
any easiest route they can find:upset: Sometimes when The Electron Empire tries to get our Order complete, they get in our way. If there is enough of The Resistance you can see our hot, smokey, battles that can destroy everything around us:hororr:
(1) var·i·a·ble
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plural noun: variables
an element, feature, or factor that is liable to vary or change.
a quantity which during a calculation is assumed to vary or be capable of varying in value.
a Buell had a mis-fire and freaked out one guy.
a data item that may take on more than one value during the runtime of a program.
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take delight or pleasure in (an activity or occasion).
"osvaldo enjoys staring at computer screens"
synonyms: like, love, be fond of, be entertained by, be amused by, be pleased by, find/take pleasure in, be keen on, delight in, appreciate, rejoice in, relish, revel in, adore, lap up, savor, luxuriate in, bask in, wallow in, glory in;
(3)What is motorcycle riding?
A motorcycle, often called a bike, motorbike, or cycle, is a two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle. Motorcycle design varies greatly to suit a range of different purposes: long distance travel, commuting, cruising, sport including racing, and off-road riding. The best ones are called "Buell's"