Has anyone removed frame pucks?

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Oct 9, 2006
I've had some frame pucks on my Buell Lightning for awhile now. I realized that I didn't line them up right and it's been bothering me a bit lately. Has anyone taken them off after they've been on for awhile? Does it leave marks or affect the finish of the frame at all?
Jeremy, I'm sure that if you can pull them off in one piece worst case they will leave some adhesive behind. You can safely remove adhesive on any painted surface with 3M adhesive remover. Autozone or others usually have it, if not auto paint supply store will. It come in red and white metal can. Hope this helps.
Yeah, they are just held on by the same stuff car body mouldings are held on with. When we take off the damaged ones here at work, worst thing is just sticky residue.
I have removed and installed frame puck. You have to break them off with your fingers. The will come off in pieces. If you do use tools, perhaps a razor. Be careful not to damage yourself or part of the bike that is visible. This isn't an east task if you are in a hurry. A whole lot of adhesive will be left behind after you break the old puck off. Use rubbing alcohol and a towel to remove the remaining adhesive once you peel the gunk off w/ a razor. The pucks come w/ instructions on instillation. Have patience. Don't expect it to be a five minute job.
I just put mine on last night and the instructions said for removal you want to pour some adhesive remover around the edges and let it soak in then start pulling at the corners.
This thread is 2.5 years old, but yeah, we just used plastic scrapers, and they popped right off. A litle Goo Gone took care of the glue left on the frame.

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