2008 xb12 with jardine rt-1 slip on does the bike need a tune or remap?

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May 28, 2009
2008 xb12 with jardine rt-1 slip on does the bike need a tune or remap? Hi I just bought a 08 firebolt xb12 and Love it this is an awesome bike!This is my frist V-Twin, I just added a jardine RT-1 slip on and it sounds great but it seems to backfire do i need to tune the bike or do something to it? It's got 80 miles on it. please inform me Thanks
i have an 08 xb12 also. i even had the rt-1 on for awhile. the back fire was killing me so i sold it and put the stock back on. then the stock was killing me because it was to quiet. so i bought a drummer. to some this up yes you can tune it but it will be with aftermarket software. ie. ECMspy or diretlink. buell dosnt make race ecm's for 08 and newer. im just running the bike with the drummer and the stock map. ill live with the back fire for now untill i figure out the ecmspy. hope this helps[confused]
You only really need to tune if you add a highflow filter, like a K&N with the exhaust. The ecm can compensate for small changes in air flow but combined its just too much. The backfire is common on the Buells sometimes even with the stock exhaust. I have all but removed the back fire in mine with tuning but its hard to do. You might also want to check to make sure their is no leak in the head pipe. Just put a gloved hand over the exhaust outlet with the bike running and if there is a leak you should be able to feel the air coming out of the down pipe.
I've heard the samething from many Jardine users with Buells. They've almost all had to go and get a custom map, pretty much what "Gator" has said.

Are you not losing power as well in certain RPM ranges? This is also common with the Jardine. People "USED" to try getting these silly Power Commanders and sort (in which are no longer supported for Buells due to the inconsistency)

In my opinion, you guys may want to check out ASB for a custom slight tweaked map to kill the backfire, too much backfire can SOMETIME be harmful to your engine.

And by the way, I had that same darn pipe, sold it and bought the Factory Buell Race Kit.
Welcome to the Forum Pierson! :D[up] Post up pics when you get the chance.

You do a TPS Reset yet? It's recommended doing one whenever you've finished a "major" mod. Here's the procedure if you don't know it: '08+ TPS Reset Procedure


I don't feel any power lose it picks up beteewn 2300 and 3200 rpm It only backfires on deceleration .I ordered a K & N air filter from buellparts.net , I had asked the tech guy if i needed a tune he said that the 08 won't because the comptuer will sense
a change or mod and map itself. im going to try the TPS reset thou Thanks guys for the advise.
The backfire on decel is a normal thing. Put a loud straight through type pipe on a car and you will get the same thing. You could work on it with a tune, but as long as it is on decel and is through the exhaust you should be ok. If it is coming through the intake, get it fixed now.
I had asked the tech guy if i needed a tune he said that the 08 won't because the comptuer will sense a change or mod and map itself.
It can compensate for either an Exhaust OR Intake mod, but can't hardly compensate for both. You may be able to ride, but you'll be running lean, which is bad for the motor in the long-run.
not tring to jacj your post but i just bought a couple mods like pierson and i've been trying to read up on"how-to's" with installation and mapping... this is the first time im gonna be working on a v-twin.

i bought
- jardine gp-1
- jardine protuner3
- k&n filter

anyone have any idea how hard it is to install and complete? also if i have to dyno it to tune?
Forget all that junk (Dobeck, Protuner, etc...). The xopti sheet beta is out to testers with 1125R's, and I'm working on the XB12 (BUEZD0M5) version as we speak. Just finished with fuel pages, moving on to timing next.

If you really want a new map, I can send you an adjusted race map for an XB12 (BUEZD0M5) that will help your bike do better with a filter/exhaust combo. All you'll need is ECMSpy and a cable.
I have a 2008 firebolt xb12 with a jardine gp1 pipe and a k&n filter and i have been riding it for a week now with nothing more then a tps resat and it seems to have more pep no heating issues that i am aware of i did do the breather by pass and that settled down the popping on decel> i have been hitting the rev limiter a little more thean i have in the past it seems to pull up to the limiter hard it seems to want more i am trying to figure out how much more i should give it> I have what seems to be a odd ecm i can't seem to find a matching map for my firmware >
yes ebracing has all i need i was hoping for a location for a map for comparison to what i have got going on my own i am tuning through ecmspy and it is tedious but i am going forward i just want to know if i am going forward in the right direction
@008 XBss with Jardine and KN Filter Needs Tune

Forget all that junk (Dobeck, Protuner, etc...). The xopti sheet beta is out to testers with 1125R's, and I'm working on the XB12 (BUEZD0M5) version as we speak. Just finished with fuel pages, moving on to timing next.

If you really want a new map, I can send you an adjusted race map for an XB12 (BUEZD0M5) that will help your bike do better with a filter/exhaust combo. All you'll need is ECMSpy and a cable.

Hi Optopus,

I know this thread is pretty old but I too Have an XBss 2008 model with Jardine rt1 and KN filter and would be interested in map and instructions if possible. I can source an ECMspy cable.

Can you help me out?


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