XPR Map Extractor Issue

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Apr 5, 2017
LA County
I know, here comes another ECM thread... I've looked high and low and haven't had any luck with the information I've seen so far, so here goes:

So I recently started trying to datalog with the Buelltooth and ECMDroid combo, negating the need to carry around my heavy a** laptop while logging with ECMSpy, but have run into an issue. Logging is easy, fetching and saving the eeprom is easy. Now, tried to convert the .xpr file to .msq so I can open everything in MLV, but keep getting the "Unexpected XDF file format" error using XPR Map extractor. Program was downloaded from Buelltooth, ECM firmware is BUE0D (specific .xpr file tried is BUEOD_20171129-153258.xpr), and have the BUE0D_V5.xdf file from the TunerPro website. Any insights into this issue?

on the logging screen in the driod app, are you clicking the box "convert to MSL" ? if you are, you should have no issues loading the MSL file (not bin file) onto MLV.
on the logging screen in the driod app, are you clicking the box "convert to MSL" ? if you are, you should have no issues loading the MSL file (not bin file) onto MLV.

Appreciate the response tokin! Convert to MSL is checked, but that isn't the issue. Getting the tune file is the issue. I can open MLV and load the .msl log file, but I can't get the .msq from XPR Map Extractor to load the maps.

Historical example: I load the .msl file in MLV and logs show. Go to load the tune settings file, and it requests a .msq or .tune file. Open XPR map extractor, load the .xdf and .xpr (both BUE0D), and get the "Unexpected XDF file format" error when I hit "MSQ export." No love there. Try to force the MLV to load the .msl file, see if it will load the maps without going through the extractor, and I get an "Unknown file type" error. Where am I going wrong?
ah ok i see your issue, and i had the same issue too. I ended up having to use ECMspy to load my maps created from MLV, and then would save them on the droid app, just for ease of use. But eventually, I only used ECMspy, and only the droid for logging purposes.

So just to clarify, you can get your log on to MLV, but in the fuel map section to the right of the log, you cant get your "tune" to come up? Have you set up your MLV correctly with all of the pre-sets required?

Just in case you havent, or possibly for others:
under "options", set:
default Y axis to "load"
field naming (ECU) to "buell"

Under view, set:
"show dashboard"
"show tuning console"

Under calculated fields set:
"wideband 02-AFR" to OFF (for stock 02)
"wideband 02-lamda" to OFF (stock 02)

I believe you should now be able to load your msl file from your phone, or whatever your using. open tune file should be the map you are using on the bike currently from log.

Make sure both tuning maps on the right are "VEbins2"
click VE analyzer, select Narrowband 02, the "show advanced settings"

set your min/max RPMs, set min load to 0, and max load to 255. set CLT to 160. Then analyze and accept new table and flash. rinse and repeat.
If this isnt your issue, ill chime in a little later when i get home and am in front of my pc with all my stuff on it. Also, you have ECM spy right? If so, load your EEPROM, then go to maps section, and save map. This should be your msq file. i believe msq = map, you may be trying to load a EEPROM in the "open tune" field.

Appreciate the continued help Tokin!

To respond to your first follow up: When I was originally logging while connected to my laptop via ECMSpy/MLV, none of this was an issue. Saving the EEPROM from ECMSpy before netted me a .txt and .epr file, saving the maps gave me the .msq, and acquired the .msl logs from MLV. In MLV, load the .msl, load the .msq, and off to the tuning races.

My issue now is that I'm logging by way of ECMDroid, so I don't have to carry around the laptop. The EEPROM is saved from ECMDroid, but only as an .XPR, which will not load in ECMSpy. No .txt-> no maps. So, I downloaded XPR Map Extractor to address that. However, when I load the .xdf and .xpr into the program to get the maps, I keep getting that stupid error.

Flash your map to your bike from ECMdroid, and then just hook it up to ECMspy and "fetch EEPROM". This will load your EEPROM/map you acquired from Droid, into ECMspy format.
I see your issue, cause its the same way i logged/edited. And this is how i got my ECMdroid map onto ECMspy.

I also could not get the XPR map extractor to work lol. This work around worked though.
Figured it out! I'm now able to use XPR Map Extractor successfully. The issue was the .xdf file I had was too new. I tried an older .xdf version in XPR ME and was able to get the map without issue. Loaded everything in MLV to confirm everything works, and I am now GTG with no laptop!

Tokin, head over to ECMSpy and grab the V4 Bin Definition for your firmware and you should be able to grab your maps as well.

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