I picked up a 2004 Buell XB12R a few months back. On the first day I hit some gravel, and then the ground. This left me with a dent on the right side of the frame, a broken front fairing support bracket, a smashed blinker, and a bent clip-on. After repairing these things within a week of the spill I was back up and going. About a month ago now someone backed into it. Breaking, a mirror, the same blinker I already replaced, bending that same clip-on and denting the headers. I have repaired all the damage except the dent to the header, which I am ordering soon. The previous owner had made a few changes like installing the tail and seat from the lightning model XB. I have since installed the Firebolt seat per the users manual. He also had these flame decals on the frame that left a faint ghosted flame across both sides of the frame. You can only see it in certain light but its pretty bad. I think I will try to bondo/all-metal the dent in the frame and then hit it with a fresh coat of paint this winter. I am very excited for all my projects to come! I am currently looking for another front wheel in Amber as well if anyone has one. Has anyone ever used bondo on their frame?

This is a photo that was a part of the listing for the bike when I bought it. Showing the original tail.

Any suggestions or tips for a new Buell XB owner would be great!

This is a photo that was a part of the listing for the bike when I bought it. Showing the original tail.

Any suggestions or tips for a new Buell XB owner would be great!