Do I really want a Buell?

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Well-known member
Aug 12, 2018
Scottsdale, AZ
I've kinda lusted over a Buell for a number of years (around 6). I like the engineering and look of the bike and certainly would appreciate good handling. Last night I had an opportunity to test a 2003 XB9S. Compared to what I ride, I was not overly impressed. Number 1: it was too loud. It has a short slip on muffler which is probably more cosmetic than functional. I guess the noise level hindered my learning of the bike - it was such a distraction. I know, that can be easily changed. Number 2: Vibration. I've never ridden a Harley before so I wasn't sure what to expect. I noticed that every 30 seconds or so I had to scratch my nose due to the vibration. No, my name isn't Pinocchio. Acceleration was good but not any better than what I ride. Handling is hard to rate after a short test ride. The seat wanted to position me right up next to the airbox whereas on my other bikes (79 Honda CBX & 75 Honda CB400F) I can sit back a bit from the tank. Looking at a picture of a Buell, it looks like to me the seat is designed that way. I really wanted to like the Buell & had the $ to buy it. I guess I just lost a little lust. It's not that I don't like a little music from my bikes. My CBX has an RC Performance exhaust for that purty F1 sound but it isn't as raucous as the Buell. I kinda like the hooligan aura of the XB9S but I'm a responsible senior (blah). I know this is all subjective. Just wondered what actual Buell owners think of my issues? Do I need to give it a longer test ride :)

If you don't like noise and vibrations, they are not for you. Barring handling, an XB is going to feel pretty crude compared to a relatively modern japenese bike (see: noise, vibrations).
"Never ridden a Harley"? Well, you still haven't:upset:

Compared to a '79 CBX and a 37HP CB400 the Buell should have rightfully impressed. Don't make the mistake that 'the' 17 year old Buell you rode represents 'all' Buells. Maybe sewing machines are your thing? Buellers prefer machine guns:eagerness:

Yes the seat is designed to keep you 'on the tank'. Just like any performance bike for the last 20 years.
Yes, the big pistons and heavy crank in any V-twin vibrate, a lot. I-4's make my hands numb.
Yes, tiny aftermarket mufflers are loud and not much sounds better than a CBX with a good tuned exhaust. Maybe a H-1... Barrett?? :black_eyed:

Even though its a bad idea to meet your hero's, give it a fair shake. Go find a NICE, STOCK, one and give it a rip. Buell owners are a voracious bunch and usually happy to share the experience. Near El Segundo, CA? I have a nice one you can ride. Maybe you change your mind? Maybe you don't, but IMO, it's worth a second look.
I've kinda lusted over a Buell for a number of years (around 6). I like the engineering and look of the bike and certainly would appreciate good handling. Last night I had an opportunity to test a 2003 XB9S. Compared to what I ride, I was not overly impressed. Number 1: it was too loud. It has a short slip on muffler which is probably more cosmetic than functional. I guess the noise level hindered my learning of the bike - it was such a distraction. I know, that can be easily changed. Number 2: Vibration. I've never ridden a Harley before so I wasn't sure what to expect. I noticed that every 30 seconds or so I had to scratch my nose due to the vibration. No, my name isn't Pinocchio. Acceleration was good but not any better than what I ride. Handling is hard to rate after a short test ride. The seat wanted to position me right up next to the airbox whereas on my other bikes (79 Honda CBX & 75 Honda CB400F) I can sit back a bit from the tank. Looking at a picture of a Buell, it looks like to me the seat is designed that way. I really wanted to like the Buell & had the $ to buy it. I guess I just lost a little lust. It's not that I don't like a little music from my bikes. My CBX has an RC Performance exhaust for that purty F1 sound but it isn't as raucous as the Buell. I kinda like the hooligan aura of the XB9S but I'm a responsible senior (blah). I know this is all subjective. Just wondered what actual Buell owners think of my issues? Do I need to give it a longer test ride :)

You should run. You know what you like and you know this isnt it.

A quick synopsis.

The exhaust is too loud.
It vibrates too much.
Acceleration is meh.
Handling is questionable.
Seating position is uncomfortable.
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I do find it a little funny to criticize handling. I haven't ridden a CBX, but have read/heard they are pretty flexy with that amount of power in that frame. My first bike was an '83 GS650, and I wouldn't dream of comparing it to my XB. Was the standard riding position more comfortable? Sure. But it did little to inspire confidence in the curves and handled worse than my roadstar.
Am I considered a hooligan for owning an XB9SX? It seems pretty "tame" to me. There are bikes that have way more power and even handle better but that's not why I own one.

I guess I love the idea of an American sports bike and that a guy like Erik Buell had the guts to do it - and did.

There's no reason to feel like you "have" to like a Buell. I'd never own a CBX, that thing is just massive - but I get the following; it's different and that's cool.

Buell's aren't for everyone, that's for sure. My brothers are all about Yamaha's, dad's into Brit bikes (all of us are), I like just about all the sports bikes (and classics) out there, but Buell's just speak to me.
Am I considered a hooligan for owning an XB9SX?

I've read your posts. I think you were a hooligan before throwing a leg over a Buell. :applause: :black_eyed::angel:

I guess I love the idea of an American sports bike and that a guy like Erik Buell had the guts to do it - and did.

There's no reason to feel like you "have" to like a Buell. I'd never own a CBX, that thing is just massive - but I get the following; it's different and that's cool.

Buell's aren't for everyone, that's for sure, but Buell's just speak to me.

Agree 100% ^^^^^
For the OP - I think for a lot of us, in the end it just comes down to a gut feel on how much any bike calls out to us. You're the only one who can decide that for yourself.

My XB9 shakes like crazy at low RPMs, but the grumble of that engine and the low end torque - along with its quirky looks - make it one of my favorite bikes.

If you want light weight, somewhat comfortable seating, and really nice handling - check out a KTM Duke 790/890. Talk about quirky looks. At least it's also got twin headlights :cool:
I'm only a keyboard warrior, you're the hooligan! I've read about your exploits. :encouragement:

I know you have put more miles on your bike this month than I have all year. I tip my hat to you, sir!

Thanks man! TBH, I don't really know how many miles I've put on my bike...

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