Kick stand lengths?

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Apr 10, 2010
Nebraska City, NE
So I'll try and make this long story short... I've got a 2006 xb12x. Ive replaced the rear shock with one from an xb12stt to lower the rear and installed 1 inch handle bar risers to be able to slide the forks up about 1/2 an inch. My home spun lowering kit has made my bike sit up just a bit too straight when on the side stand. So much that it did result in one tip over, but that's a long story and I'm keeping it short.

So my question is, can I (or should i) hunt up a side stand for say a xb12xt? Or maybe a lightning long? Or should I custom shorten mine?
Given your access to a body shop (welder), I'd say to cut and weld it back together. You can probably sleeve it with a piece of tubing that fits inside the stand until you get the correct height figured out.
Given your access to a body shop (welder), I'd say to cut and weld it back together. You can probably sleeve it with a piece of tubing that fits inside the stand until you get the correct height figured out.

I'm kinda leaning that way, but still kinda curious how much the length differs model to model, if nothing else to give me a reasonable guess on how much to take off without making 20 trips from the house to the shop.
Since Cooter has that 2009 SS, you should ask him what his kickstand length is. As I understand it, the suspension of a Uly and late model SS is practically them same, so they "should" use the same kickstand.
CODY: just saw this thread and you have a few options.
1-any kick stand that ends in part # 94Y is for the pre-XB models. won't work.
2-discounting all 2003 XB's due to slight mod on the factory stand to work the 1-year-only safety switch....ALL 2004-2010 XB standard model stands the same.
3-all X....XT....Low(L)....SCG....STT stands the same....but different than the standard models. they are a tad shorter.

i don't have any XB's here right now from #3 above, or i'd get you the measurements and difference in lengths.
any board member with a model from #3 above could help out with that spec. then you can determine if you want to cut and weld, or purchase new or used. ebay probably a source.

CODY: i still have new OEM packs of the side stand service upgrade kits, if you find that you need one when doing your stand project.
Since Cooter has that 2009 SS, you should ask him what his kickstand length is. As I understand it, the suspension of a Uly and late model SS is practically them same, so they "should" use the same kickstand.

Yes the ss and uly are basically the same bike, but I believe the ss sits about 25mm lower? Could be wrong. This thing sure sits up pretty straight now. I had a ss for a time and dont recall it sitting funny so if it does sit lower I cant imagine how they would have the same side stand. Coooter!? I'll measure mine if u measure yours!
CODY: just saw this thread and you have a few options.
1-any kick stand that ends in part # 94Y is for the pre-XB models. won't work.
2-discounting all 2003 XB's due to slight mod on the factory stand to work the 1-year-only safety switch....ALL 2004-2010 XB standard model stands the same.
3-all X....XT....Low(L)....SCG....STT stands the same....but different than the standard models. they are a tad shorter.

i don't have any XB's here right now from #3 above, or i'd get you the measurements and difference in lengths.
any board member with a model from #3 above could help out with that spec. then you can determine if you want to cut and weld, or purchase new or used. ebay probably a source.

CODY: i still have new OEM packs of the side stand service upgrade kits, if you find that you need one when doing your stand project.

Thanks for the info john! I'll keep you in mind if I go that route. I'm still surprised they show to all be the same. Likely going to end up cutting and welding. I might even fashion a bigger foot on the end so it doesnt sink into soft ground so easily.
This pic pretty well tells the story of how I was certain it needed a shave. Snapchat-1881966943.jpg
cody: you rode your buell to southern GA from nebraska city? wow! that had to be an absolute horror show at that mini-mart.
i think the simplest measurement would be from the tip of the ground pad to the base of the yoke. the yoke being the part with large hole for the mounting pivot pin, that attaches to the stand mounting bracket. one of the XB stands measures 9-3/8th inches using those measurement points, but i don't remember which stand it is. the factory never had those precise specs in the system.
my welding and metal fab skills are horrible cody...but if you do the mod i would think you'd want to cut and trim the shaft of the stand up near the yoke end, where it is the thickest. just a thought.

this might work. free shipping
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cody: you rode your buell to southern GA from nebraska city? wow! that had to be an absolute horror show at that mini-mart.
i think the simplest measurement would be from the tip of the ground pad to the base of the yoke. the yoke being the part with large hole for the mounting pivot pin, that attaches to the stand mounting bracket. one of the XB stands measures 9-3/8th inches using those measurement points, but i don't remember which stand it is. the factory never had those precise specs in the system.
my welding and metal fab skills are horrible cody...but if you do the mod i would think you'd want to cut and trim the shaft of the stand up near the yoke end, where it is the thickest. just a thought.

this might work. free shipping

Lol, no john I'm not that hard core. Its Savannah Missouri. Pretty scary moment pinned next to the hot bike with fuel pouring everywhere. Especially considering the 2 brothers who were riding with me had their father get badly burned in a fuel fire on a tractor the summer prior. It's a good thing we all had out brown pants on!. Needless to say I went and purchased an ice cold tall boy and sat there for a little bit to celebrate that whole not exploding thing.

Thanks for the link!
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Technically a Bomber but....Tall boys have solved many of the worlds problems:adoration: I had to set mine down to get these pics

You asked, and shall receive:D

The '09 Ss and the '08 STT both measure the same at 12.75" from the center of the pin to the center of the pad.
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Holy shnikies, mine measures out at about 15" now I'm wondering if the different models have different mounting brackets? Maybe I'll just take like a 1/4" off it and call it bueno... 20201212_160109.jpg
Cody: there are actually 2 different part numbers in the system for, in essence, what is the same side stand mounting bracket.

dimensionally, they are precisely the same. the only difference i am aware of and can see in factory the size of the hole where the stand attaches to same. early style hole slightly smaller. that would correspond with the increased OD of the mounting pin on later models.
Well, that shoots the hell out of my theory that maybe the uly stand sat at a different angle. I just thought a 2inch+ difference seemed like a lot between those two bikes. I think slowly trimming mine seems like the best bet for sure then.
Holy shnikies, mine measures out at about 15" now I'm wondering if the different models have different mounting brackets? Maybe I'll just take like a 1/4" off it and call it bueno... View attachment 14727

"12.75"... To the center of the pad". I meant on the centerline of the kickstand tube, parallel to the bike when it's down. That way the angle of the kickstand pad won't affect the measurement. Looks like you are measuring all the way to the end of the tip (snicker).

All the Buells I've had either lean securely, or too far (when the pin is worn), but never too upright.
So weird that it feels too long and on the tallest bike? I'd be looking at the bracket that bolts to the engine. Is it bent down? Spaced down? Is the kickstand tube bent?

A classic, but ****:black_eyed:
Or maybe the bike has just sagged a bunch? Checking the sag measurement would tell you for sure. Look for worn shock mount eyes, fork mount height in the triple, or Ulys are known for leaky pre-load collars so maybe its just loaded up with stuff and you have no preload set?

Hopefully you find it! I really don't think cutting the kickstand will be necessary and if you do cut it and THEN find whats wrong, you'll be buying one for sure:upset:
Or maybe the bike has just sagged a bunch? Checking the sag measurement would tell you for sure. Look for worn shock mount eyes, fork mount height in the triple, or Ulys are known for leaky pre-load collars so maybe its just loaded up with stuff and you have no preload set?

Hopefully you find it! I really don't think cutting the kickstand will be necessary and if you do cut it and THEN find whats wrong, you'll be buying one for sure:upset:

I lowered the bike....
Take the stand off lean the bike to the angle you want a little measuring cut and weld , Thats what I did to my Uly when I lowered it . Second pic just to show lean angle.

lowered_684 - Copy.jpg group pic_670.jpg

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