New Buell XB12r owner

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Apr 22, 2021
Hey everyone im a new owner of a 06’ buell xb12r, it has 6800k on the clock and a D&D exhaust a K&N filter, other than that I believe the rest is stock. I’ve gone through a lot of posts but can’t find anything concrete. Would it behoove me to download and flash Race ECM file or leave it stock. I’m new to the whole tuning game, any help or advice would be appreciated
Hey everyone im a new owner of a 06’ buell xb12r, it has 6800k on the clock and a D&D exhaust a K&N filter, other than that I believe the rest is stock. I’ve gone through a lot of posts but can’t find anything concrete. Would it behoove me to download and flash Race ECM file or leave it stock. I’m new to the whole tuning game, any help or advice would be appreciated

Look to see if there is sticker or something on the ECM that specifically calls out whether it had a different tune installed. Or ask the original owner.

If there was a tune installed on ECM, there is no way of really knowing without comparing the cell values to a stock tune to see if they were changed.

You will need something like a Buelltooth adapter to connect the bike to a tablet or computer to transfer a tune over. This is a good place to start.

You can also use to it pull trouble codes and check various values such as AFV to see how it is running. If all is nominal, I would leave it alone...
I plan on picking one of those up, i don’t see any sticker it looks stock, can I flash the stock ecu with a race file would that benefit me any or should leave it be once I get my mod cable in to connect it to my computer
hello new xb owner. im fairly new myself. ive had mine for about a month now and i love it. i hope yours makes you smile like mine does me.
I plan on picking one of those up, i don’t see any sticker it looks stock, can I flash the stock ecu with a race file would that benefit me any or should leave it be once I get my mod cable in to connect it to my computer

I'd recommend going the wireless route. The Buelltooth dude makes a pass through here every now and again to make sure we're not shanking each other and passes out advice for tuning.

If you are running the D&D pipe, the Buelltooth dude may be able to share a tuning file specifically for that pipe. He has a variety of files in his repository. Yes, you can reflash the stock ECU with a different tune.
How does it run as is?

Great question! I can completely understand the feeling to start messing with things right out of the gates, but slowing down and getting data points first should be the priority. Not because I'm smart, but because smarter people told me this on here when I got on and saved me a lot of grief. Mine came with a jardine and open airbox, but no tuning that I knew of. It did feel hot, popped on decel, and had rough hot re-starts. My buelltooth confirmed a lean scenario from all the additional airflow and no change to fuel mapping, so I loaded their map specific to my intake/exhaust combo, and it immediately ran cooler and stronger.
I also just bought a 2008 XB12r after selling my heavy as hell, slow as molasses braking, fork diving, top heavy, poor handling 1200 XLC and am even more thrilled as you are to be a 3%'er. Erik recently said "If a new line of bikes sells 10k/yr they're generally doing really good. In 2009 we sold a little over 15k units so I was feeling really, really good...then they just one day walked in an said they were pulling the plug. This is after they bought Briggs & Stratton and reduced both factories here in Wisconsin to less than 30% so they could keep the doors open. The board members act like drunken sailors with the stockholder's money and they pulled the plug on us?"
What open airbox do you have?

I have a K&N filter on an open airbox mod. PO did the mod, but it's basically what it looks like if you were to take the top off the inner airbox cover and rig some method of holding the air filter down. Mine has the translucent airbox cover so now you can see the fully exposed air filter inside. You can purchase this setup on ebay which looks pretty slick, but I believe you need the original inner airbox base plate.
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