Pricing would depend on many factors you didn't mention and a lot of clear, close-up pictures. You know your bike. We don't.
All stock, besides the "custom lowered seat"?
Need anything? A service?
Oil change? Primary oil change? Brake fluid flush? Brake pads? Fork service? Fork seals? Belt? Fuel pump? Wheel bearings? Tires? (What kind? Date codes?), Recent Battery?
A cover is nice, but its still outdoors. Sun damage? Water damage? Rodent damage? Does it freeze in winter where you live?
WHERE is it?
What color is it?
Or is it all stock and never been maintained? 6000 miles is not a bragging point, it's dangerous. Is it a 13 year old bike thats ridden less than 460 miles a year:upset::down: so it sits a LOT and rots. It needs every bit of resurrection service before it's safe to ride, unless you've done that? We don't know, you didn't say.
Answering ALL those questions will help us give "thoughts on pricing". $6K is a premium price, it should be a well-maintained, premium bike.