Buelltooth needed in Aus

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Dec 2, 2021
Hey there Buellers just trying to get a hold of a bluetooth dongle to diagnose a very unhappy 05 xb12ss lightning. 59000kms EBR race chip with factory race muffler k&n filter. Has run beautifully up to this point.
Only dongles I can find are on the Rev Moto site that don't ship to Aus.
Bike won't idle without feathering throttle and will then surge and backfire.Was running (Unrideable in present condition) Have checked TPS voltage and all in spec replaced fuel pump, and regulator and inline filter, filter bag,
new plugs,leads,checked coil (All Good) New injectors (both were pretty dirty and front basket was slightly misformed) new intake seals while as i was that far in (old ones not leaking but 15yrs old) Pulled O2 sensor and bench tested (still operating) tested air intake temp sensor (all good) overheat temp sensor wire checked (no breaks or cuts) Cleaned and retightened all the grounds i could find, has a healthy battery. Has fault codes I got from jumping pins in ecm port 11,15,23,33 Not sure if historical or not. After all this its still doing the same thing.
Any help locating a bluetooth dongle so i can clear these codes and get a live reading would be great. Any other thoughts appreciated as well
Cheers Rod
Rod: Shipping to Australia or Austria? If OZ, as of right now your Royal Postal Service only accepting USPS Priority Air EXPRESS....NOTHING else.Flat rate packet cost to OZ is $46. Rev outfit, through no fault of their own, probably not aware of that. Hence, shipping refusal. Make the purchase...have it shipped to me...and I'll fire it over to you as a favor.

All your listed fault codes are typically loss-of-ground related. The ECM is seeing values it doesn't like resulting in the actives/historicals. Recheck ALL again, particularly the ECM grounds and possible compromised ECM harness plugs.
Hey there Buellers just trying to get a hold of a bluetooth dongle to diagnose a very unhappy 05 xb12ss lightning. 59000kms EBR race chip with factory race muffler k&n filter. Has run beautifully up to this point.
Only dongles I can find are on the Rev Moto site that don't ship to Aus.
Bike won't idle without feathering throttle and will then surge and backfire.Was running (Unrideable in present condition) Have checked TPS voltage and all in spec replaced fuel pump, and regulator and inline filter, filter bag,
new plugs,leads,checked coil (All Good) New injectors (both were pretty dirty and front basket was slightly misformed) new intake seals while as i was that far in (old ones not leaking but 15yrs old) Pulled O2 sensor and bench tested (still operating) tested air intake temp sensor (all good) overheat temp sensor wire checked (no breaks or cuts) Cleaned and retightened all the grounds i could find, has a healthy battery. Has fault codes I got from jumping pins in ecm port 11,15,23,33 Not sure if historical or not. After all this its still doing the same thing.
Any help locating a bluetooth dongle so i can clear these codes and get a live reading would be great. Any other thoughts appreciated as well
Cheers Rod

How can anyone read this?
I can read it. Lots of dense info to digest but totally understandable considering his lengthy diagnosis and repair so far.

Super nice offer Barrett, thats very generous! Perhaps Rod could reach out personally to Buelltooth via e-mail and see if they make an exception? It seems like the right path to continue diagnosing and keeping a Buell alive.

Thanks for the info OP. The way you describe the popping while feathering the throttle, it could still be a fueling issue or timing. Is it popping through the intake? Exhaust? Both? Got a video to post? A quick test would be to spray carb cleaner in the TB while trying to run it. If it is still a lack of fuel (or too much air) issue, it should perk right up while spraying it.

ECMDroid (using the Buelltooth) is a fantastic diagnostic device, but won't tell you fuel pressure on an XB.
It would be worth it to tee in a pressure gauge and try to run the bike, because a static pressure test can miss a weak pump, and non-OEM Buell "compatible" fuel pumps are questionable at best and can be supplied with the wrong regulator (Thanks Mike Lowerey). You're looking for 49psi. Should be rock solid at any load. These work great to add a line and gauge without chopping the stock fuel lines up:

Also you mentioned they were quite dirty, I'll assume you flushed the fuel rail before installing the new injectors?

If all thats ok and you're still waiting for the Buelltooth dongle, It might also be worth throwing a CPS sensor at it. The cam position sensor doesn't always just fail and stop working. It could cause the timing to be all over the place and pop and bang while trying to run. Part # 324430-04 and still available but not cheap:( I wouldn't be surprised if theres a less expensive HD Sportster compatibility for such a simple sensor. Perhaps our esteemed Barrett would know?
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To Aarons point, it is literally a .50¢ Deutch connector, $1 Bluetooth module, and .50¢ 5Vdc convertor. ECMDroid only works Bluetooth (no cable), or you'd have to learn ECMSpy or TunerPro. I have a cable to send you if you choose to go that way, but just like the dongle, the cable is a .50¢ USB end (that frankly you could cut off anything in your junk drawer) and the same .50¢ Deutch connector.
Barrett: I am from OZ and Thanks very much for all the info and your generous offer. Really appreciate it. I'll try my best to check all the grounds again today with my limited electrical skill set. There's no visible damage to ecm plugs,visible wires or housing but will try and test.

I'll leave my email below to swap details to take you up on that offer.

Cheers Rod

Email: [email protected]
Cooter: Many thanks for all the input and the Tpieice link. Ill put the pressure test on the list. The fuel rail was flushed clean.
Only the the 1 large backfire through the exhaust so far with the others through the throttle body. I'll also try to upload a Video for you.
I'll try the carb cleaner as well as rechecking the grounds and then try the dongle when i get 1 and clear the codes.

Cheers Rod
You're quite welcome. The subtle clue that you have one or more compromised grounds is historical/active #33. Can only be electrically induced from either a shorted + feed source....or faulty ground. Since your XB is NOT a 2010, those are the only 2 possible causes because the ECM induces ground to the pump to complete the power circuit. Combine #33 with all the other FC's and you've clearly got grounding issues. Give me a heads-up on here if you plan on purchasing the Rev-Mo unit and having it shipped to me for forwarding over to you.
Thanks Barrett for the latest feedback. Would that +short or the faulty ground be in the fuel pump circuit itself or coming from an outside source?

I'm trying to find the best way test all the ecm wires and circuits. I'm a bit electrically challenged to put it mildly.

I'll purchase that dongle from Rev-Moto. If you can give me your mailing address to my email [email protected]

That would be greatly appreciated

Cheers Rod
You're welcome. Sent you an email this morning.
Keyboard electrical diagnostics via some website is a crap-shoot, at best. An XB fuel pump with a compromised positive circuit generally results in erratic and very poor engine performance.....failure to immediately prime with both key and kill switch to ON position...popped 10A dedicated fuse. A compromised negative circuit generally results in fault code/historical #33....difficult cold and hot starting....10A dedicated fuse NOT affected.

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