And just to post a follow up, The bike was unused for a month or so while I hacked the pipe and made
it into a Buell race pipe replica, and also did some cosmetic work. I fixed the slight blow it had where the headers
meet the main exhaust, double checked the grounds, check for chaffing etc, and have been using it for a
few weeks to commute. It runs great , sounds great and I have had no issues.....well until yesterday.
My son, I and a few friends went for a quick 200km breakfast run.
The outbound trip was uneventful. On the return, I decided to open it up a bit and get rid of the cobwebs. Just as the
needle hit 200kmph, the CEL came on and the engine lost some power. I eased it off till about 140, and then the CEL
cleared and it ran fine. The remainder of the way home, as soon as I exceeded around 4500rpm (140kmph), the CEL would
come on with a loss of power. The power loss doesnt always happen with the CEL coming on though.
I rode home at a sedate 130, and immediately connected the Buelltooth.
My AFR was a very acceptable 96,2, and there were 13 incidents of rear 02 inactive. This is currently my only
mode of transport, so I used it again to work this morning , and I had one occasion where the CEL came on, but no
performance issues.
So I'm at the stage where the sensor is looking like the place to start with a replacement.
Are there any basic tests which can be done on it, or do I just replace and see what it does ?
Also are there any alternatives available ?
Thanks again for the valuable support offered here.