i see a lot of guys looking for a place that will dyno tune their bikes. i know a lot of places wont touch a Buell. i think the "cave man" in the bikes scare them. i found a place in Oklahoma called MOTIV who are happy to tune a Buell xb. i haven't scheduled my time yet. i plan to do it over the winter. i will update everyone on how it goes. my bike only has a drummer exhaust, air filter, better spark plugs, and thicker plug wires. i may try and throw some cams in there before i tune but thats still up in the air. im not worried about the numbers. i know everyone wants to see the numbers but im more concerned with how well it uses what it has. i love my firebolt and i want it to be all it can be for as long as i can keep it going. this post is really just to let you guys know there are still places that will tune our bikes.
What part of Oklahoma? Did they quote you on what dyno tuning runs?
The point El Barretto de Muchacho is trying to make is that IDS has a bunch of pre-made tunes which should solve almost all of the tune issues out there, and they will reflash your ECM for $100-125. I can't imagine a tuning shop with a dyno charging less than that per hour, and I'm sure they'll have at least a couple hours in it.
I dont think the "cave man" in the bikes scare them, as much as losing money on repairs, as a seemingly simple job can often take MUCH longer than anticipated, especially for a tech who is working on their first one. Unless they're Buell specialists or have a tech who is a Buell enthusiast, I'd be cautious. I'm not saying they can't get it done, but time is money, and if they waste a day doing a seemingly simple task, either the tech/shop is going to take it in the shorts or someone is going to have a unexpectedly large repair bill.
Hopefully the guy you talked to actually knows what a Buell XB is and didnt just give you a "yeah, we can fix anything" type answer.
Lastly, you may want to get the dyno work done before you do cams. The XB cams are already pretty high performance items as it is, and you'll probably want to replace the oil pump driver gear while you're in there. On top of that, you'll need to rotate (or remove) the motor to loosen the rocker boxes (and a great time to replace rocker box gaskets too) so for the cam replacement. This is also a great time to replace the intake seals. Almost, might as well get head work done while you're in there, as no one wants to rotate the engine twice if they dont have to, and theres no point in high performance cams, if they heads can't process the air. Then after you do the cams and heads, you should get the bike tuned again.