Fuel injector wires (?) chewed by mice.

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Jul 21, 2016
Lancaster, Pa.
A mouse made a nest over winter inside the rear cylinder head area. There is a single orange wire covered by grey cloth going into the REAR cylinder area which the RAT ate, so now I have a wicked misfire. How hard is it to replace that wire? It is def grounding out and rough idle. Photo attached. Tough to get a good picture.

03 Lightning XB9S with 4000 original, 100% stock.

Any assist would be great. Manual is useless. Not a lot of room to access the top of the motor.

Update: I know now it is not an injector issue. Could it be a rear cyl. Temp. Sensor? Not finding any info in my manual about this, nor on the wiring diagram.
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I really can't tell where that wire is, but the few options that I would recommend are:
1. Cut the chew up section out and solder a new wire in. This can be a pain depending on how much room you have.
2. Find the down stream connector and depin it. Get your self a new pin and wire. Solder new wire in and repin the connector. Pins type can be found in the service manual. Pin can be ordered though digikey or mouser.
3. New/ used harness.
4. Combination of all 3. Just taking what you need off an old harness to fix your harness.
Depending on your skill level, it could be an easy 10 minute job or a pain in that ass 3 hour job.
Doing some research, I believe it is the rear cylinder temperature sensor. It is buried in the center of the rear cylinder head and there is a rubber boot deep down. Not sure how that comes out but extremely tough to get at. I’m digging further. Thanks for the advice. Will let you know what I find.
What Chris said and this:

All 2003 XB models S...R...SL wired exactly the same

Only orange colored wire existing aft of the top of engine is power wire to rear accessories and most importantly...signal feed "information wire" to your ECM

See link below....CHAPTER 7 for wiring schematic atop engine aft to rear tail section

This orange wire is NOT related to either front or rear fuel injector assembly


Yes I think it might be the rear cylinder temperature sensor. Rubber boot on the end deep down. Will be a tough one to dig out. Any hints on accessing? I can retire and solder no problem.
I can solder no problem. I think it is the rear cylinder engine temperature sensor? Going to take a few more pics so it’s more clear. Man, that thing is buried deep.
Something has gone awry with your last attachment but looking closely at your first picture that wire appears braided on the section that is out of focus so I think you are correct about it being the temperature sender.

These early ones had a black, braided outer but I can't vouch for the colour of the inner insulation. This has a single bullet style connector so I would be looking to slide a length of heat resistant tubing over the disconnected bullet end as it doesn't look like the actual wire is damaged.
One type of tubing available where I live is braided Basalt Fibre sleeving intended for 650deg C which is probably overkill but would give good abrasion and temperature results.

Assuming I'm not talking hot air and it is the temperature sender, here are two pictures of a new temperature sensor to give you an idea of how far back the bullet connector is and how it is connected to the head.
I think the newer ones that supercede this part have a different connector but I don't have one at hand to confirm that.

Thanks Rays! I’m 98% sure that’s what it is. Wire looks Undamaged. Manual has no info on removing the part. Access is very limited so the goal is to re-cover the wire. I think it is grounding out against the upper cylinder metal, causing signal interruption. Thanks for that part number also. Great intel. Cheers, with greetings from the USA.
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The manual has some info on removing & fitting the sensor - it is in the Fuel System section (see page 4-98/99 of the .pdf linked in one of the posts above).
I've not actually done this so can't help with any 'gotchas' but the manual does at least list a special socket that you would need - hopefully you don't need to go that far down the rabbit hole.
Good luck!
That would be correct. If it is recessed, as you mentioned, into the rear cylinder head area then it is indeed the engine temp sensor. That sensor and the O2 sensor can be more readily accessed by simply removing the cooling fan assembly.
I see you're in Lancaster area. Your ECM may have 1 or more stored fault codes to include #14 for failed temp sensor/high resistance reading. If you have an active CEL after completing this repair just ride it over to me and we can plug into the ECM and clear out the codes. I'm in Leola.
Thanks Barrett. I never got a cel. I will heat shrink the exposed wire and see if that works. There maybe hidden mouse damage Elsewhere I can’t readily see, although I’ve lightly looked and haven’t found any more chewed wires wiring under the seat is 100% intact.

Do you think an exposed wire to temp sensor can cause rough running and poor idle?
My pleasure. And speaking of vermin: If you haven't already done so I would take a few minutes and completely disassemble the entire air box assembly and check for rodent debris and compromised wires. On these XB's the air box and the area between air box base plate and top of engine is their favorite nesting spots.
My pleasure. And speaking of vermin: If you haven't already done so I would take a few minutes and completely disassemble the entire air box assembly and check for rodent debris and compromised wires. On these XB's the air box and the area between air box base plate and top of engine is their favorite nesting spots.

Fact: When I bought my Buell, I rode from Monroe, LA to the DFW, TX area with a massive rat's nest under the airbox cover. I'd like to think it served as extra filter material :p .
All torn down and no signs of any damage. It wasn’t a full blown nest so i think the traps in the garage, hawks or a fox got the culprit. ����
Yikes. Nice surprise for sure. I bought this one like 6 years ago with 3200 original miles. Great engineering and so different than the usual Big Harleys or crotch rockets. Now 4600 miles. Not bad for 21 year old bike
Ok wire on the rear cyl temp sensor, previously chewed by a mouse, was shrink tubed. Zero effect. Fires up on cold start with rough Idle under 900 rpm, doesn’t go to 1500 rpm on cold start as usual. When I give it gas to get it moving it misfires. Checked all wires and no other signs of damage. Anyone have any other ideas? 4600 original miles, stored with Sta-bil on ethanol free gas. No cel ever. Original plugs.
Hey all. Problem fixed with the help of Barrett. Repaired the ETS wire and runs well. Might be time to sell it tho since it mainly sits in the garage. Thanks to all that responded with assists.

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