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Buellxb Forum

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Teabag was an English speaking member here, that could never articulate in English what his meaning was behind his many negative posts about Buell motorcycles but, insisted on owning one. Many of his posts where innovative ideas on upgrading different parts but, most where useless and annoying and again, there would always be negative connotations to the point of him being kicked off the forum.

As an example, why would you post up in your native tongue on an English speaking forum, even after you see that we don't understand your post and then come back and make a statement on what the temperature where you are is in English and then go on to ask a question in English ?

Which means you could have stated you original post in English in the first place, are you a troll looking for some Collusion ?
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Njloco, I'm not a troll. I called the post "Hello everyone" that would meet, make friends. The questions I have about the maintenance and repair of my motorcycle, I will place in the appropriate forum thread. I will be glad to your advice. So, Njloco, don't be so irritable. And if you can't keep your mind to yourself, write me a personal message. Respect others
Njloco, I'm not a troll. I called the post "Hello everyone" that would meet, make friends. The questions I have about the maintenance and repair of my motorcycle, I will place in the appropriate forum thread. I will be glad to your advice. So, Njloco, don't be so irritable. And if you can't keep your mind to yourself, write me a personal message. Respect others


We've had some issues with people signing up and trolling us. Welcome to the board... and be sure to post pics of your Buell. :eagerness:

And thanks for being patient with us during the irregularities of the translations software.
This is really my motorcycle, which was transported from Murmansk to St. Petersburg. When I saw, I almost fainted. A distance of 1500 kilometers
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Воздушный фильтр и то на заказ. 2 недели из Европы 150€
k&n делает обслуживаемые фильтры на Буел и продаёт наборы для их обслуживания. Его не надо менять, просто мыть с нужным интервалом.
Хм, а я его просто воткнул и так и ездил. Может из-за этого у меня теперь мотоцикл сыпется. Хотя он долгое время ездил нормально и я не видел никакой разницы со стоковым фильтром.