Well, I took the easy way out... After reading around about people putting the stock exhaust on and keeping the "race map" I started thinking about that too. After another ride to see if things had magically fixed themselves, I realized that it felt like it was rich (bogging a bit here and there and a little lumpy at constant throttle) all over the charts. Comparing the race map to the stock map, it appears that the race one was more lean almost all over, against what I expected, especially where my idle problems were at. I also realized that after a ride, starting it back up while the engine was warm, it was bogging down then too so it wasn't just a cold idle issue.
I updated the ECM maps yesterday, bumped my TPS up to 5.5 (had been sitting at 5.1) and took a ride. Idled when the engine was cold, ran great, and started right back up to idle when it was warm from the ride.