04 xb12r sputtering at idle

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May 25, 2016
I bought this 04 buell xb12r the guy put an aftermarket exhaust on it which does not have the exhaust valve actuator, im not sure if all i need to do it take it to a shop and get the bike tuned. i put new plugs and a battery in the bike, just wondering if anyone else has had this issue. it only does it at idle and when im trying to maintain a speed.
There is a sticky about this...

You can:
Buy an ECM from EBR or IDSpeed that has the correct program on it for $300

Or PM AZMidget on here and he can install the correct program on your ECM for $100

Or go to Buelltooth.com and see if they have it for free and do it yourself.
Does your bike show a CEL?
If not the ECM might have been programmed or you may already have a race ECM.
You'll have to remove your front fairing to access the ECM. It will say "for race use only" if it's not the oem ECM.
Also, I would check that you don't have an inake leak. It's a good idea to make sure your the bike is absolutely mechanically sound before you start tuning. Otherwise you'll be chasing your tail.
Good luck
I checked for an intake leak no leaks, and no check engine lights on. ill check and see if it has a race ecm tomm.
okay got new intake gaskets installed, new spark plugs, and reset the TPS, but if the Rpm's are lower than 3000 it sputters and idles and still runs rich and backfires,how ever it is still a whole lot better. Also i have a new WISECO fuel tuner but i wanted to make sure it was running better.
Anyone know anything else to try?

you're chasing your tail. your vague initial post that commenced this thread mentions nothing about the ecm history...other mods on the bike...and whether your xb ran like this from the moment you bought it used or ailments are new. back to the basics to resolve this and keep in mind that XB's and their ecm's do NOT react well to add-on tuner type modules. don't know the nuances of why but a long history on here of guys trying them...adding them....buying bikes with them installed and most all are garbage that perform horribly. fueling horribly rich at lower speeds as you mentioned? this was discovered how? plug reading? assuming the air intake system is stock and the filter is free-flowing all your problems relate to either a faulty ecm or an ecm that has been screwed with and you're unaware of how and whom did it. concentrate on the ecm and either resolve the mapping issue or replace it with stocker as baseline.