Check the Manuals here on the Forum. Sounds like you need to maintenance your Transmission. Read up first and if you decide to do it yourself, make sure to Watch the Daves DIY videos all in one thread. Just make sure to NOT TorQue the Drain Plugs when reinstalling due to the Drain plugs OIL/And Tranny can strip out easily. Just Snug those and replace the O'ring one each Every Time.
AmsOil 20/50 in the Engine and the Transmission works just fine. the Fluids and Transmission areas are realtively unchanged on the Fluid Changing.
I figure the Chain on the Primary MIGHT need to be Slightly adjusted. Make sure to Read up on that BEFORE you go just tighting up the Chain due to it needs some (Slack)or up and down movement so it is NOT overtightened. the Manuals are free to Download here on the forum. It only takes ONE Quart for the Primary Fluid Change.
Do Not get cheap Brands unless you wnat to sink some money into your Machine. Use only Synthetics, in an Aircooled Engine and the Transmission. If you Must Ride the Bike a bit before you Service it then Low Speeds and easy shifting.I don't [advise] riding the Machine till it is checked out due to a simple fix(hopefully)is diagnoised so no damage Occurs.
The TWO Screws on the Left side of the Primary cover(Torx-27) will need to be removed for checking the Primary Chain.Save the small gasket.Wipe down the outside area to be sure of no debree getting into your working areas. Never Pressure wash the bike. Just snug the screws when complete.
Hope that chain adjustment is all that it is. It is a place to start. Read up! let the forum know how it turns out. Take your time,and check those manuals.Welcome to the Forum. *Jimi