07 Buell turbo theory?

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Jul 15, 2014
I know this has been a pretty well gone over topic, but for the sake of clarification and reidaration-
I'm working with a local shop on the beginning stages of turboing my xb9. I was hoping you guys could help me out with a few of my issues:

Firstly, the pipe routing. I have an 07, so the hole originally put in the frame for the xb turbo setup has been plugged from the factory.
Two step question- can the plug be basically cut out, revealing a hole in the frame? Or is it all part of the gas tank as of now?
If so, how would you guys think I could route the pipe up to the top of the intake?

Second, cooling. I'm going back and forth between water injection and intercooling. There's obvious pluses and minuses for both, and I can't decide what I really want to do. If you guys have any thoughts on another method of cooling, I'm all ears!

That's all I got for now, I'm sure ill have more and more the deeper I get into this.

(I'm aware of all the downsides to boosting these bikes, al the reasons I've seen around the forum to not do it...well... Meh. Mucho boosto buell)
I beleive he used one with the hole in the frame. You are correct, they removed the hole to increase gas tank size. Probably easier to find an older frame.
I emailed ericz minutes after posting this. Guys a HUGE help, and his build is just awesome.
Come on guys! There's got to be a way to route a pipe up to the intake without the hole [mad] such is my life haha
There is always a way. It just depends on how much money you want to spend and how good you want it to look.
I have clean title 03-05 frames. Turbos require lot of dismantle work anyway wouldn't be too hard to swap frames
Umdterp- how much are you wanting for one of those?

Wiggle- his bike is breathtaking. I wish I had that kind of engineering capability
No doubt smoak. I've done a lot of engine machining operations in the racing industry with job specific equipment. (True and bush lifter bores, parallel deck blocks, align bore/hone etc., balancing etc.), but to actually pretty much design and fab all that HE has deserves a lot of respect. I don't know him personally, but he has given me a few pointers on these engines. I hope he is using that God given talent to his fullest. :)

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