08 Ulysess traded for Yamaha 700 raptor and yfz450... Good deal?

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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2012
Hi guys, I'm new to the forum. I have a 2007 yamaha 700 raptor gytr quad and a 2004 yfz450 quad. The raptor I have around 2,500.00 in mods done and the yfz450 just a new motor and clutch. Now I wanted to sell them but got interested in a guy who called me with a 2008 buell xb12xt Ulysess. I will try to attach some pics. The ;bike has 14k for mileage. New rear tire and just a stock exhaust can mod. He wants both of my quads and he's also adding in a 1983 yamaha yz490 dirt bike thats in decent shape with a spare motor. I'm not familiar with bike but know buell's are great dependible bikes. Does this trade seem pretty even up and fair? Looking for overall aspects.
Oh and is this the xb12xt? I'm seeing alot of xb12x's and stuff like that. Not too familiar. I know there's a fender mounted to the triple tree under headlight and then one with the front fender just off the tire like mine. Does anyone know roughly the top speed of one of these?
You could probably approach 140 mph at redline.

I would encourage you to do the trade. They don't make our Buells anymore. Mine's a lifetime keeper.
I love my buell so much more than I did the raptor that I had!!! And te uly would be comfortable!
Any other optinions? I'm giving up move quads for the buell and yz490. I'm planning on doing the trade, just wanna make sure i'm not getting took on it. What is the buell really worth? I looked at bb value but heard come new year its gonna drop quite a bit.???
Is there any easy quick mods I can do. I'm a very good welder, so is it possible to split the stock can and take the internals out? These are fuel injected i'm guessing?? So for say a k&n air filter and gutted out pipe, do we need a fuel controller or is it self adjusting? I know i was told my 700 raptor is self adjusting, but they aren't. Anything without a 02 sensor isn't self adjusting. Just curious.