Hey guys, I bought an 08 scg last year ,the check engine light was on but the bike ran fine.The guy I bought it from said it was because he had changed the exhaust to spec ops.Havent had much time to ride but wanted to go ahead and change the ecm for the exhaust with the buelltooth and ecmdroid. Went to check for codes and the code was auxilary power relay failure.Done a search on here but have'nt found anything.Not sure what it is and how to fix it.would it hurt to go ahead and load the tune for the exhaust or wait till that issue is resolved?Also the fan comes on every time I let it run a little when I cut it off.Turn the key off then back to on for it to stop.(I am not as tech savvy as I'm sure most of you are,just read directions over and over till I get it) Any help would be greatly appreciated!!