09 XB12Scg = 07 XB12S suspension?

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Jul 12, 2009
I've been shopping for an '07-up XB and noticed that "XB12S" as model is used pretty loosely - many bikes appear to really be Scg, which I am not considering (age, 6' & 185lbs, etc.).

But, comparing pictures of 07, 08, and 09+ XB Sxx models shows a lot of changes to the front suspensions (and probably the rear). There is a lot of mixing and matching of parts. If you open the pic links below in separate windows and toggle back and forth… (you might just be as dorky as I am.)

- The 2007 Scg and S have the same “short” fork travel. (Basically, the only difference between the 2 is the cutdown seat on the Scg).
2007 Scg
2007 S

- The SX series always has had the "mid" length forks. (These were put on the long wheelbase "X" frame and swingarm to create the '06-'08 Ss Long.)

- The '09+ Ss got a lift to the STT's height, so there are 2 kinds of Ss Longs, "mid" ('06-'08) and “tall” ('09-'10).

- In 08, the S got the “mid” travel of the SX suspension, making the S and SX chassis appear to be the same.

2007 S Pic
2008 SX Pic

- and, it appears that the current Scg still has the "original" pre-'08 S suspension setup.

2007 S
2009 Scg

The chassis appear to lay out like this:
Scg = pre-’08 S
’08 S = SX
’06-’08 Ss Long is SX suspension on X frame
’09-up Ss Long = ’07-’08 STT

The changes should impact handling. So, reviews and rider comments about different years and models are tossed if you don’t know the difference between years. If you wanted to buy an “S”, it might be that you want the 2010 Scg to get the “original” S.

- Charlie
Hmmm, the only difference I could see between the 07 Scg and S was the rear shock was changed but I guess they never did anything different with the forks.
you need to just find a 2007 model. Best year for buell IMO
Trying! Till now, everyone has been selling CGs as S models!

Few bikes on the NE market now. Peak riding season, I guess. I work with boats and find early bird sellers will begin to sell around now, toward the end. My ideal is an 08 S, though I'd take an '07. Having diff suspension between the 2 surprised me and I can't find any info comparing new and old S.

Might just get a cg and put the grown up seat on it.

- Charlie

BTW - XB9R had the "mid" (SX) forks and the XB12R has the "short" ones.
No, something is not right in that equation. I'm pretty sure the 09 Scg has only 3 to 3.5" of front travel, whereas the 07 S models had either 4 or 4.5".

I mean, thats the whole reason people wanna swap Scg suspensions for S ones and vice versa, isn't it?
I thought so, too; the specs don't indicate the changes, either. It may be that folks are calling CGs an S. Check the pix.

The top screw on the front fender is a decent reference mark; it lines up with the bottom of the outer tube on the short forks, about 1" low on the "mid" fork and half way on slider on the "tall".
The top fender screw has always been my ref. To see if the front fork is an Scg or S but as shown in those pics they are the same for the '07, and I agree that something isn't right there.
Might just get a cg and put the grown up seat on it.
Don't do it, unless you ride on really nice roads.

I'm not a tall guy (5'9" 190 lbs) and I'm really starting to regret getting an Scg. The fit is good, although I wouldn't have minded it being taller.

Problem is the sort travel of the front fork. I ride in the city a lot (Boston = **** roads) and bottom out the front fork often. Stiffening the front helped a bit, but I would much rather have had 1" more travel.

I'm considering getting a "grown up" seat. But in hindsight I should have gotten an S with a short seat.
acording to the specs on the buell web sight,the front suspension travel on scg is almost inch and three quarters shorter than s models both 07 and 08. the rear suspension is the same all years ,5 inches, until 09 where it becomes shorter in the rear by over an inch.the front travel stays the same on scg as 08 and 07 in09.the only way to see the different changes is in person ,at least with those 2 models.
If your only reference is the screw on the fender in relation to the location of the outer fork tube, adjustment of static sag could account for the difference in perceived lengths.

I would think the best way to check if this is correct is to see if the part numbers changed over the years and if so, verify the reason is a change in the length of the tubes.
thse pictures are all scg except the sx.the obvious is the seat, and the front forks tell the rest by how little fork is exposed.