09XB9SX muffler & intake without ECM work?

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Well-known member
Nov 16, 2009
I keep reading that the factory 08+ bikes are VERY rich from the factory. That being said, and with having a learning ECM on them, would it be OK to run a K&N along with my hackpipe? I can still smell the exhaust being fairly rich.
As I understand it, the 08+ ecms can "learn" & compensate for either exhaust or intake mod, but both might be pushing it a little.
Good inexpensive (old school) way to tell how its running: First make sure you take it for a good "learn in ride." then pull your plugs & clean them, then clean the outlet on the muffler. take it for a good 1/2 hour to hour ride. when you park it look at the muffler outlet (should have turned black again, but not excessive) and then pull your plugs and check them (the plugs will tell the real story). Also try to avoid any long periods at idle during this ride. if you are uncertain what the plugs should look like, you can do a google search and I'm sure find the spark plug chart that shows most of the burn conditions good and bad.
hope this helps :)
bolt08- Thanks, I'll give that a shot. I don't have the cash for a filter yet, but after I redo my muffler again, I'll try out those steps.
Pockets, check out the links below. you will see that they are my posts and you can also see everything that I have done to my bike and a very inexpensive way to tune (if you are interested). so far, so good for me, I'm very happy with the performance! Please feel free to ask if you have any questions.

08+ tuning link

custom muffler link
Any chance of seeing how that pipe was made

unfortunately i did not take step by step pictures. I always think of that stuff after the fact (I'm a *******):D Sorry[confused] if you are really interested I could easily explain it? I'm going to be doing one or two more (hopefully before summer). probably one more stainless & one stock can mod (bought a spare stock can to mod last night). I'll be sure to take pics of those builds;)

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